A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 1 August 2013

Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha stand firm on election irregularities បក្ស​សង្គ្រោះ​ជាតិ​ប្រកាន់​ជំហរ​រឹងមាំ​ចំពោះ​ភាព​មិន​ប្រក្រតី [RFA interviews CNRP leaders in Khmer]

វគ្គ ១:


Anonymous said...

the bottom lines,
cpp = 68easts
vnrp = 55seats

Anonymous said...

The original and official result was:
1. CNRP = 65 seats
2. CPP seats = 57

But Khieu Kanharith and the NEC changed the result to 68 seats for the CPP and 55 CNRP.

Now, after collecting all the data and result from every poling both, the CNRP found that it won at least 63 seats up to 90 seats.

Anonymous said...

Ah Kiev kunhjas rith hold the truth about who was winning an election? Kidnap him and put him in re-education camp! Like Roger Milton loser said...Tell the truth or feed him to gator!


Anonymous said...

as recognized by int'l observer's
cpp= 68seats