A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 1 August 2013

Were there any Vietnamese voting in the Cambodian election? តើ​មាន​ជនជាតិ​វៀតណាម​បោះឆ្នោត​នៅ​កម្ពុជា​ឬ​ទេ?


Anonymous said...

These people are already assimilated to Khmer. They are Cambodians .

Anonymous said...

Think before you make comments about Youn. I am Khmer myself. Whether we are Khmer or Youn we are still human beings. If those Youn have been living in Cambodia for generation we have to consider them Khmer.

The one we should look out for is the newly arrival without proper papers and giving ID to vote. What we should have done to the one that have been living in Cambodia for generation is to educate them about the important of voting for the right leadership. I am sure they come to Cambodia because of the living condition. They have parents, kids and loving family just like us. Just because they are Youn doesn’t mean they don’t have the right to live.

I do understand how Khmer people feel but you have to be careful about trashing all Youn. We are scare because Hun Sen allow Youn govt. to do whatever they want, and allow so many Youn to come into Cambodia freely, I truly understand. But worry about picking the right person to run the country and after that everything will work itself out.

I want to see my country free from Youn but I don’t want to see the innocent get hurt.

Killing a cow because you are mad the owner will not solve anything.