A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 1 August 2013

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy agrees to talks on disputed Cambodia election result

1st July 2013
Listen to the audio of the interview with Sam Rainsy here.
Cambodia's Opposition Leader Sam Rainsy has agreed to an offer of talks from Prime Minister Hun Sen to discuss claims of voting irregularities.
After suffering the worst election result in 15 years, the Prime Minister Hun Sen has extended an olive branch to the opposition Cambodian National Rescue Party, which has rejected the ruling party's results.
He also says he'd welcome an investigation into alleged voting irregularities, which has been demanded by the opposition.
Hun Sen's offer comes as as the opposition CNRP claimed that it had won Sunday's general election with a narrow margin of 63 out of 123 seats.
On election night, the ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP) announced it had won 68 seats to the opposition's 55.
Hun Sen has called on the opposition leader Sam Rainsy to compromise and to attend his proposed talks, which would look at forming a new parliament.
"I wish to stress that it does not matter which political party won the election - the important thing is that our nation won," he said.
"I have told three of my senior party members to negotiate with Sam Rainsy and I hope that the talks process will go well, but if needs be I will talk to Sam Rainsy by myself."
Sam Rainsy has told Radio Australia's Asia Pacific program he'll attend the talks, but maintains his party won the poll, not Hun Sen's.
"We accept the dialogue, but the objective is to establish and expose the truth - nothing less," he said.
"We can move forward only once the truth is recognised by everybody, and the truth is that the ruling party, after ruling Cambodia for 34 years, has lost this election and there is a democratic change underway in Cambodia."
Hun Sen also says he's open to the idea of a multilateral inquiry into the election led by the country’s election commission in order to show transparency and to come to a resolution that everyone can accept.
Sam Rainsy says the Opposition wants the international community and the United Nations to oversee the inquiry.

"Now that the ruling party accepts to join in this committee to investigate, so we are ready, we'll abide by any conclusion by the investigation committee," he said.
"We would expect the ruling party to make that same commitment."


Anonymous said...

The bilateral talks should be set up in two phases:

Phase I
Forming an entity comprised of national and international investigators to search for the facts and the thruth in the election results.

Phase II
Based on the finding(s) in Phase I, both the winner and the loser shall follow the Constitution.

Meanwhile, Mr. Hun Sen and Mr. Sam Rainsy should plea to their respective supports to refrain from using violence or the threat thereof.

A Khmer Patriot

Anonymous said...

Oooops, should have been:
plea to their respective supporters.

Sorry !


Anonymous said...

9:43 pm, I agree with your steps here.

First, investigate the electoral fraud with the two parties plus the civil society, the UN and international observers. After the investigation, the two parties should respect the outcomes of the investigation

Second, after the investigation, then both parties should negotiate about power-sharing in the legislative assembly, ie the parliament, and also reform of the NEC.