A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The CNRP is Right to Contest the Election Results (by Ms. Theary C. Seng)

CNRP Press Conference on its position of Election Results, 29 July 2013.  More photos...

The CNRP is Right to Contest the Election Results
Theary C. Seng, 30 July 2013 

According to the provisional election results announced by the biased National Election Committee and the ruling CPP, the democratic opposition CNRP lost the popular votes by the razor-thin margin of 200,000 -- a difference of as little 0.6 percent. 
On Monday (July 29) at a press conference, CNRP president Sam Rainsy rejected the election results due to the gross irregularities prior to and during election day: “Fifteen per cent of voters – about 1.2 to 1.3 million – were unable to vote because of list irregularities. There were also about 1 million ghost names on the voter list and about 200,000 duplicate names.” 
(Here, we have not factored in the grossly manifested uneven playing field, a powerful election machinery that systematically favors the ruling CPP: CPP-biased National Election Comittee, all the 10+ state-affiliated TV stations, most radio stations, state resources marshaled for CPP campaigns, the hundreds of millions of dollars, the military PLUS FEAR, the chiefs of the commune and village level controlling the registration/information/financing apparatus, how certain mobile companies shut off the ability for voters to use their phones all day till night time, etc.) 
NDI's Voter Registry Audit raises many concerns, one of the more glaring ones is the over registration across the country, in certain places reaching 200 percent (see the detailed, well-researched, well-analyzed Phnom Penh Post article "Giving More than 100%").  
The CNRP is right to contest the election results in light of the gross, numerous irregularities. Not only is it politically correct to do so, but it is the CNRP's moral imperative if it is to respect the will of the people. 
The people spoke loud and clear prior to election day amidst fear and intimidation that they want change.  They not only spoke loudly, they acted loudly by going to the polls and exercised their legal right, and every indicator said they voted CNRP, despite the powerful CPP election machinery and threat of civil war.
The CNRP is also right to call for a joint commission to inquiry into the many irregularities.  It is not only right, but reasonable... AND NECESSARY IF THE CPP is serious about stability and wise about its survival and legacy.
The highly contention preliminary election results may have a razor-thin margin of 200,000 votes, but this translate to a loss for the CNRP with the CPP at 68 seats to the CNRP's 55 seats in the National Assembly.
And in real terms for Cambodians, it means CAMBODIA FLOURISHING or the continuation of CAMBODIA DYING.
A Cambodia ruled by CNRP with Sam Rainsy at its helm means CAMBODIA FLOURISHING.  In real terms, we will see a drastic decrease in corruption, a rise in quality education, a diminishing trade in human trafficking, a rise in human social development at every level, in every sector. 
This is why the CNRP needs to contest the highly-questionable election results.

Theary C. Seng after the CNRP Press Conference, borrowing its wifi and room to catch up on work, to let the heavy traffic into the city center pass
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The Phnom Penh Post | 30 July 2013
“Fifteen per cent of voters – about 1.2 to 1.3 million – were unable to vote because of list irregularities. There were also about 1 million ghost names on the voter list and about 200,000 duplicate names.”

All matters must be resolved in order to respect “the will” of the people, he added.

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The Cambodian People Have Spoken,
Time to Level the Playing Field
TIME Magazine | 29 July 2013

Sam Rainsy challenged the official election result on Monday afternoon and called for an independent investigation involving the U.N. into “ghost” voters, incomplete registration lists and other alleged irregularities. Now is undoubtedly the time to ramp up the pressure on Hun Sen.
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The Phnom Penh Post | 30 July 2013

That trend continued unabated on Sunday as only an estimated 68 per cent inked their fingers.

But some analysts attributed this year’s low turnout – which dipped about seven per cent from 2008 – to an increase in the number of obstacles thrown at would-be voters rather than a decrease in political interest.

Election watchdog Comfrel and Transparency International both reported widespread complaints from registered voters turned away from polling stations for not having proper ID or not appearing on the polling station’s voter list.


Anonymous said...


Brendan O’Neill is editor of spiked. The above is a transcript of a speech he delivered at Cambridge University on 27 January.


must strike while the iron is hot

Anonymous said...

it is domocracy country.,

theary needs to support opoosition
otherwise, she has to come back to usa for unemployments