Today, 28 February 2013, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights ("CCHR") is releasing the third in a series of four Briefing Notes. Each examines key issues related to human rights in Cambodia: political and electoral reform; judicial reform; freedom of expression; and land reform.
The attached Briefing Note - on freedom of expression - provides an overview of the situation of freedom of expression in the Kingdom of Cambodia (“Cambodia”) and suggests concrete recommendations for the adequate protection and promotion of the right. The crackdown on freedom of expression in Cambodia seriously threatens the progression, and even the survival, of the country’s fledgling democracy, as well as its lasting economic development. Considering the recent upsurge in severe restrictions on the right to freedom of expression in Cambodia, and with the July 2013 National Assembly Elections in sight, this Briefing Note recommends the following: 1) media should be free to report independently, and political debate encouraged, not punished; 2) the draft Cyber Law that proposes to restrict internet freedoms, especially freedom of expression, should be dropped; 3) aspects of existing legislation that threaten free expression must be amended or removed; and 4) judicial reform, including ensuring thorough education of legal professionals on up-to-date domestic and international laws, and punishment for corruption.
Please find the Briefing Note attached in Khmer and English.
For more information, please contact CCHR President Ou Virak via telephone at

Kind regards,
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