A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 30 October 2012

[Australian] Senate calls for free and fair elections in Cambodia – now Carr must act


Tuesday 30 October 2012

Senate calls for free and fair elections in Cambodia – now Carr must act

The Australian Greens called on Foreign Minister Bob Carr to push for free and fair elections in Cambodia, following Senate support for a motion moved by Senator Christine Milne.

Senator Milne’s motion supports similar efforts passed by the European Parliament and the Parliament of the Philippines, in accordance with recommendations of the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights who identified major flaws in the process and called for media freedom, freedom of expression and assembly, and the release of political prisoners.

Christine Milne said ‘With the elections due in a year, now is the time to start taking constructive steps to ensure that this election runs as fairly and peacefully as possible, and Bob Carr should be using Australia’s influence to make that happen.’

‘I am pleased that the Senate worked constructively with the Greens in the interest of the Cambodian people and in accordance with our commitment to democracy. Now it’s time to act.

‘I was privileged to meet recently with exiled opposition leader Sam Rainsy. It is time he was allowed to return to Cambodia to fully participate in the election campaign without fear of intimidation or imprisonment.

‘As Australia focuses its attention on our region, following the Australia in the Asian Century White Paper, our actions will speak louder than our words. It’s critical that we engage positively and cooperatively with our neighbours, and in the best interest of the people of the region.’

The Senate passed the motion yesterday. Please see attached motion.

Contact Alexandra Lamb on 0437 587 562

Alexandra Lamb
Media Adviser for Senator Christine Milne

Suite SG-111 Parliament House, Canberra ACT | P: 02 6277 3618 | F: 02 6277 3185
alexandra.lamb@aph.gov.au  | M: 0437 587 562

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