In his intervier with RFA MP Sam Rainsy said that he would return to Cambodia to serve the 2-year jail term sentenced by the Svay Rieng kangaroo court of the puppet govt if his condition met.
”I will not return back to Cambodia yet. I wish to request for the release of the two who have been jailed, namely Mr. Prom Chea and Mrs. Meas Srey, from the prison first. If I return now I will be arrested (and jailed) as well, so what is the point if all of us are in jail. Who will help whom if all of us are in jail? Now I demand for the releaseof the two first. After that I will return to let them arrest me”, he said.
I think this only condition is not just and it seems that MP Sam Rainsy forgets his another condition which he used to raise along with it, ie., the return of the lost rice fields to the farmers.
To my concern is that other conditions must be demanded and practically met besides the above two conditions.
- The Svay Rieng court must evidently and technically prove that those rice fields are in Vietnam because if those border posts were installed in Cambodian rice fields, MP Sam Rainsy is absolutely right (he explained it here). The court must also prove which racial comment or act has MP Sam Rainsy made then? And bring those who uprooted the rest border posts namely border posts #184, #186, and#187 to trail as well.
- Va Kim Hong or Hun Xen must unconditionally cooperate with MP Sam Rainsy in order to verify the alleged border posts together by using the documents that MP Sam Rainsy and Hun Xen´s government use as evidences according to our constitution. Then the loser, regardless who he is, must be brought to justice accordingly after the verification.
Otherwise, MP Sam Rainsy must be trapped by the CPP again. I means the CPP can release the jailed farmers with some secret conditions/threats and then MP Sam Rainsy would be jailed, if he really returned. Then, the new play would be arranged. The jailed farmers would join the puppet govt and push all the crimes onto MP Sam Rainsy. But if he would not return to serve his jail term as promised, then MP Sam Rainsy would be called by the CPP and viewed by other Cambodians as the “COWARD”, the “IRRESPONSIBLE”, the “CRIMINAL”, and his political life would be ended. Or maybe many other plott would be conspired to weight more crime on MP Sam Rainsy! So watch out MP Sam Rainsy!
MP Sam Rainsy should remember that, “It is most importantly not about his serving jail term under the kangaroo court, but it is about the protection of Cambodia and Cambodians.” Therefore, please don´t take it so easy with the puppet CPP.
MP Sam Rainsy should remember that, “It is most importantly not about his serving jail term under the kangaroo court, but it is about the protection of Cambodia and Cambodians.” Therefore, please don´t take it so easy with the puppet CPP.
Sam Rainsy must be stupid if he go to serve 2 years term in prison.If he excepts the two years term, it shows to most Cambodian that he is guity as charged.This case here is the total groos in justice and a pre setup political device of the Hanoi and its pupets in Phnom Penh.Sam Rainsy has more political credibility and freedom in abroad rather than in Cambodia. People will look to him as a real Khmer leader that they will wait to come home as they wait for their own freedom to set free.You cannot build your house on sand.
True Khmer
Good analysis, Son of Khmer Empire.
I think Mr. Rainsy wants to return home to Cambodia to prove to his critics that he is not running away and leaving his supporters and the farmers to be punished for his actions. He wants to prove that he is not a coward and that he dares to face the consequences of his actions.
I think, Hun Sen won't want to have to jail Rainsy because if Rainsy is jailed there would be more international exposure and outcry and at the end he has to release Rainsy. Hun Sen doesn't want that. He only want to scare Rainsy not to return home to lead his party. Hun Sen wants Rainsy's party to crumble and collapse.
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