A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Hun Sen: Samdech Chea Sim's health is well

By Khmerization

Prime Minister Hun Sen said Mr. Chea Sim's health has returned to normal after he was treated for high blood pressures by Singaporean doctors in Singapore, reports Deum Ampil.

Mr. Chea Sim, president of the ruling Cambodian People's Party and Senate President, has left Cambodia on 6th of December for urgent medical check-up in Singapore from high blood pressures.

In a public speech on 7th December, Mr. Hun Sen said Mr. Chea Sim's health has returned to normal and he now can eat as normal. "His health had gotten better. But it is very important for him to have this medical check-up so that no one can invent an information that can cause confusion about the health of any particular leaders", he said.

There are rumours in the past that Mr. Chea Sim is very sick because of high blood pressures and his diabetes.

Mr. Lork Hou, Mr. Chea Sim's aide, said Mr. Chea Sim's health had returned to normal after treatments from Singaporean doctors. "Samdech Chea Sim's health had returned to normal and he shall return home to Cambodia in the next one to two days", he said.


Anonymous said...

Chea Xim will die soon and the next one will be Ah Dictator Hun Xen to meet his Hok Lungdy!!

Anonymous said...

Chea Sim won't last long because he is too sick from high blood pressures and diabetes. In fact, Hun Sen is very happy but pretended to say all the good things about Chea Sim's health.