A Change of Guard

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Sunday 31 May 2009

Latest news: Thailand sent more troops to Preah Vihear areas

Source: Deum Ampil newspaper
Reported in English by Khmerization

The latest news from Preah Vihear on Sunday 31th May indicated that Thailand had sent more troops to the disputed Preah Vihear regions, reports Deum Ampil.

Deum Ampil reported that, according to Cambodian military sources from Preah Vihear on 31th May, the Thai military had also removed Mr. Arwuth Saenjak, the regions' commander and replaced him with a new commander.

The same report said that the new Thai commander has sought a meeting with Gen. Srey Doek, Cambodian commander for the Preah Vihear region, on Monday the 1st of June.


Anonymous said...

Since nothing work, why don't Khmer go to war with the Thai. I understand that the Thai are better equip with Khmer soldier but I think we have more experience fighting war.

Let's go to war with the Thai

Stop and negotiating doesn't work anymore.


Anonymous said...

no, the thai are studying us ability while the same time they built more troops all along our borders.