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Tuesday, 2 September 2008

General pattern of election fraud related to forged voter documents



The document with relevant explanation is presented at http://tinyurl.com/57vdu8

The seven irregularities are related to:

1- Holder's name

2- Holder's age

3- Holder's place of birth

4- Stamp on the holder's photo

5- Document's issuing date: July 27, 2008 (Voting Day). The document is backdated March 11, 2007.

6- Witnesses: They did not put their thumbprints on the 1018 form as required by the law, but two other persons thumbprinted in their place.

7- Commune chief's signature: The person who signed and stamped on the 1018 form was Kheng Koeur, a CPP commune councilor who is neither the commune chief nor a deputy commune chief, and therefore is not entitled to issue any 1018 form.

Holder's real identity as known by everybody in her village:

Name: Doeung Kea

Gender: female

Age: 13 year-old {born in 1995)

Place of birth: Sraeung commune, Prasat Sambor district, Kampong Thom province.

Holder's fake identity as shown on the forged 1018 form:

Name: Dy Aun

Gender: female

Age: 18 year-old (born in 1990)

Place of birth: Sraeung commune, Santuk (sic) district, Kampong Thom province. Sraeung commune is actually located in Prasat Sambor district.

The seven irregularities show that this 1018 form was hastily issued on Voting Day to allow, at the last minute, an illegitimate voter, underage Doeung Kea, to cast a fraudulent ballot for the CPP by taking the identity of a ghost voter named Dy Aun.

We have got hold of a large number of such forged 1018 voter identification forms issued by the CPP local authorities throughout the country, which reflects a general pattern of election fraud designed to substantially inflate the CPP votes. To see a large sample of forged 1018 forms please click at http://tinyurl.com/6cmh94

SRP Cabinet

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