A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 28 August 2008

World Bank Found Violating Indigenous Peoples’ Rights

Dear Readers,

The World Bank has provided the Cambodian government with more than $100 million to assist governance reform at various sub-central levels of the state. These funds were also aimed at protecting the indigenous people. On the contrary, these monies are instead assisted in cementing the ruling Cambodian People's Party at the local level, at the expense of the indigenous people. In fact, the monies have been used/ misused in violations of the World Bank policies.

For those of our readers interested in the plight of Cambodia’s indigenous minorities, you might find the analysis on this blog thought-provoking: http://elgc.org/. It tells the story of how the World Bank helps the government to remove indigenous peoples from control over their own communities, lands and resources and to place them instead at the bottom of a predatory state hierarchy. I recommend everyone to read the article in the link above. It is very interesting indeed.


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