The Mirror, Vol. 11, No. 540
“By not revealing the name, speaking toward an unnamed person who had initiated ‘dying of color’ [hinting but not revealing] over an [also unnamed] spy, which shocked Khmer citizens in the past few weeks, yesterday Mr. Son Chhay (pictured) demanded the release of related documents.
“Mr. Son Chhay, a Sam Rainsy Party parliamentarian from Phnom Penh and chairperson of the Commission of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, Information and Media of the National Assembly, said, ‘So far there has been a serious accusation by this person to be a spy of this person, this person to be a spy of that person, and we want the information and the documents, because they cannot be kept secret any longer.’
“As for the reaction of this parliamentarian - though the name of the person who threatened that he has clear documents was not mentioned - it can be understood that the threatening person is Hun Sen, the power-addicted Prime Minister of Cambodia.
“It seems that all this is a repetition of last week, when Hun Sen, who is a former soldier of the Khmer Rouge which led Cambodia into a hole of death, said that he has documents, voice and video recordings, to show that a person, who now criticizes him of using money secretly to reduce the fuel prices, saying that this is non-transparent, is his spy, and he is even prepared to publish secret documents to prove it. The speech of Hun Sen referred to Mr. Son Chhay.
“However, this parliamentarian, who frequently criticizes the government for scandals without hesitation, is not frightened of Hun Sen’s public threat at all. Mr. Son Chhay at this time wants to see the documents related to the insult to him which say that he is a spy.
“It should be noticed that on 13 December, in a public forum, Hun Sen said that his government spent $26 million in one year secretly to prevent the increase of electricity prices, and nearly $200 million to prevent the increase of fuel prices - but Mr. Son Chhay said that these are non-transparent activities.
“This parliamentarian’s words made Hun Sen very furious and made him speak badly, and he said, ‘Must you be told about these expenses?’
“Such an understanding by Hun Sen caused criticism from national and international circles, saying that it is not suitable for a leader of a democratic country - quite to the contrary, it seems to show clearly that this prime minister is leading the country with a dictatorial communist system, because in democratic countries, the leaders always regard their citizens as Heavenly Lord and Master, and all decisions on spending money by the government must be based on an agreement by the parliamentarians as representatives of the citizens in advance; expenses cannot be made quietly like this, because it is money from tax payments, coming from the citizens’ sweat and blood.
“Nonetheless, all income and expenses of the government, which is controlled by Hun Sen, are now seen to be handled illegally, depending only on what powerful people say, like Mr. Son Chhay explained that no transparency exits, which shows that those who act like this seriously look down on the citizens who pay taxes.
“In order to hide such very bad and non-transparent activities, it is observed that the country’s leader always holds blood in his mouth and spits it on other people [=accusing other people], such as this accusation that this person or that person is planning to oppose him, or that that person is his spy, which is a threat and a strategy to attract and to divert public interest.
“Moreover, according to a professor of the Royal Academy of Cambodia, this is a bad way which serves the political ambition of a foreign country which is the enemy of Khmer [Cambodia], in order to break up the nation, causing confusion and doubt, and leading to the killing of each other - among Khmers and Khmers.
“As for Mr. Son Chhay, he gives the impression that the current situation of Cambodia is not very different from the Khmer Rouge regime.
“Mr. Son Chhay said, ‘Cambodia used to be ruled by the dictatorship of the Khmer Rouge group, and though the government affirmed that it had destroyed the political organization of the Khmer Rouge, it is observed that the Khmer Rouge influence still continues. The government of our country is making all citizens frightened because of threats; even to publicly protest as an effort to participate in politics is difficult.
“In such a situation, the head of the Hun Sen government should reconsider what makes the nation progress, and what makes the nation lose something, and to accept criticism from others to correct himself and to stop immediately to serve foreign political benefits by breaking up his own nation, because a prime minister can also be used as a spy by a foreign country, which is most dangerous for the country and for Khmer citizens.” Khmer Machas Srok, Vol.1, #79, 26.12.2007
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