A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Sok Touch showing his true colour in wake of Kem Ley's murder



Kim Ea said...

Yes Doctor "Kreiv Chrouk " crime is everywhere in this world to day, but not a selected assassination order from the ruling regime,here the investigation is independent and more thoroughly and firm control by laws but not bias or order by tyrant .You disgusting analogy is no different from a dick sucker of mafia and CPP payroll fanatic . Don't said yourself as an independent analysis ,you are pure dog breed of CPP and communist ideology .

Kim Ea said...

Doctor Kriev Chrouk recited many crimes in the US and all over the world .yes you said is right ,crimes of killing shooting are everywhere in this world , but in different circumstantial situations , but it was not gruesome assassination in cold blood ordered by the mafia regime ruler . In Khmer your mafia ruling put a stern warning in the megaphone first and then ordered some one or group to plan an unfathomable execution later . You are a pure evil breed of sucking dick animal which shamelessly or none regretfully,who are snubbed all the truth with cowardice gut to exposed real opinion . Instead to protected your devil heartless leader , you tried to launched a more controversial theory to help cover up his international crimes from Khmer opinion . Your analysis are not independent ,but bias with disdainful incomprehensible theories to brushed away all truth factual of your tyrant evil boss . You are a disgraceful person in this Khmer societies as a whole,you had no any courage gut or dignity to tell Khmer any truthful facts sic.

Anonymous said...

ល្អ បើ គេបាញ់ អាទូច នោះប្រហែលល្អមើល តែវាអាងថាពួកអាគុក នឹង យួនមិនបាញ់វាទេ បានជាវានីយាយដូច្នេះ​​ តែចាំមើលទៅសេចក្តីសុខវាយួនវាបានយួរប៉ណ្ណា?

Anonymous said...

Ah sok touch, you won't feel the injustice until they do it to your own loved ones. when You don't feel the injustice because you are one of the beasts and you can never live with true peace within yourself.

Anonymous said...

Sok Touch is a Dr. BEAST, YOU ARE SO STUPID...HAS NO COMMON SENSE. Your degree is worth nothing, u speak low.