០២ មិថុនា ២០១៦ / 02 June 2016, 10:30 - Information update at the CNRP headquarters
After surviving this Hun Sen's attack, Ah Kama Kem Sokha must correct himself and stop fucking around like a stray dog.
Khmer people depend heavily on the CNRP to save Cambodia from Yuon. So Kem Sokha must behave better. If he likes to fuck so much, he needs to quit the CNRP's VP job.
No more mistake Ah asshole Kem Sokha. I am so sick to see this kind of mistake. Kdao Dol Kor Heuy.
I knew this Yuon slave party CPP and Ah Kwang Makhak wanted to dissolve the CNRP, but the CNRP's leaders must conduct themselves as a role model for Khmer people to follow, not giving an excuse for Hun Sen to kill the CNRP.
Do Yim Sovann and Eng Chhay Eang have problems too? If they do, they must correct now before Ah Kwack shoot them.
Are you the one who followed Kama Sokha and hold his bed's legs while he was fucking?
Open your eyes dumbass. Kem Sokha is wrong in this case. I have acknowledged that he has done a lot of good deeds too.
I wanted to help him. That's why I criticized him so that he could become a better leader and propel the CNRP wins this next election to save Cambodia.
How the fuck you know what he did was true mother fucker? Are you the one suck Hun Sen cock before he fucks Vietcong girl? Maybe you need a good dick in you ass to make you realize what is real and what is make up ah Chhary! Now where is your mother? Kim Sokha is looking for her to a good time!!!
After surviving this Hun Sen's attack, Ah Kama Kem Sokha must correct himself and stop fucking around like a stray dog.
Khmer people depend heavily on the CNRP to save Cambodia from Yuon. So Kem Sokha must behave better. If he likes to fuck so much, he needs to quit the CNRP's VP job.
No more mistake Ah asshole Kem Sokha. I am so sick to see this kind of mistake. Kdao Dol Kor Heuy.
I knew this Yuon slave party CPP and Ah Kwang Makhak wanted to dissolve the CNRP, but the CNRP's leaders must conduct themselves as a role model for Khmer people to follow, not giving an excuse for Hun Sen to kill the CNRP.
Do Yim Sovann and Eng Chhay Eang have problems too? If they do, they must correct now before Ah Kwack shoot them.
I heard he is looking to fuck your mother next before changing his behavior. Where is your mother ah Chhary?
3 June 2016 at 03:44
Are you the one who followed Kama Sokha and hold his bed's legs while he was fucking?
Open your eyes dumbass. Kem Sokha is wrong in this case. I have acknowledged that he has done a lot of good deeds too.
I wanted to help him. That's why I criticized him so that he could become a better leader and propel the CNRP wins this next election to save Cambodia.
How the fuck you know what he did was true mother fucker? Are you the one suck Hun Sen cock before he fucks Vietcong girl? Maybe you need a good dick in you ass to make you realize what is real and what is make up ah Chhary! Now where is your mother? Kim Sokha is looking for her to a good time!!!
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