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Saturday, 27 February 2016

Trash woes worse in rural areas: gov’t

A woman and her child walk along a rubbish filled canal last year in Phnom Penh’s Stung Meanchey district.
A woman and her child walk along a rubbish filled canal last year in Phnom Penh’s Stung Meanchey district. Vireak Mai

Trash woes worse in rural areas: gov’t
Fri, 26 February 2016
Lay Samean

Solid-waste management remains a big problem across Cambodia as authorities lack the capacity and funding to clean it up, according to a new report released by the Ministry of Environment yesterday.

Phnom Penh and the provincial cities clear solid waste by trucking it out of town and dumping it on private land or in temporary landfills.

Cambodia has 76 dump sites presently, and the amount of waste is projected to keep climbing quickly, the report found.

The amount of waste generated in 2014 – 109 million tonnes – was 10 per cent higher than in 2013, the report said.

According to the study, while the Ministry of Environment was partially successful in increasing its waste-control capacity, solid-waste management remains a growing problem, particularly outside of cities.

While 60 to 80 per cent of trash in urban areas is collected, only 40 per cent is collected outside of towns.

Ieng Auny, a Phnom Penh deputy municipal official, said that the amount of waste in landfills was increasing because of improvements in collection, adding that plastic waste causes some of the biggest problems.

“It is hard to change people’s behaviour, and we need to find things to replace it, like lotus leaves or paper,” he said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Economic growth and trash-nology!!

Burn the plastic. Not going to pollute the earth any worse than what China is doing.

I'm sick of the world rulers telling lies about global warming and how we must stop emission of CO2, whatever. But same world rulers are spraying chemical clouds about everyday over my head and your head. There are many planes flying back and forth lacing a sunny-sky into a hazy day. Some damn corporation is making tons of profits to mess with the weather. Trees are dying in some part of the country due to whatever chemicals are being absorb into the foilage. And peoples lives are harm from breathing in the chemicals that descended to earth.

No Sir, those are not contrails. Contrails would dissipate in a minute or two. If my car exhaust would linger in the air for 3 hours or more, the EPA would blow my car up for sure.

Unraveling the New World Order [more like Disorder]