A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 25 February 2016

‘Social Justice’: What Khmer Rouge And Bernie Sanders Share

‘Social Justice’: What Khmer Rouge And Bernie Sanders Share

 investors.com   2/23/2016 
Cambodian Meo Soknen, 13, stands inside a small shrine full of human bones and skulls, all victims of the Khmer Rouge, in Cambodia. The horrors of Khmer rule, part of a campaign of brutal "social justice," still finds apologists today among the left. (AP)

School of Vice: Yes, the Khmer Rouges of the 1970s and of today are not without their [paid] apologists in Cambodia and the West!


Social Justice: At a hearing to overturn his crimes of humanity conviction, Khmer Rouge henchman Khieu Samphan defended his crimes as done in the name of “social justice.” Funny. We hear that from Bernie Sanders, too.

Much has been made of the signature economic failures of the Democratic candidate’s professed socialism. The ongoing economic collapse in Venezuela is Exhibit A. But going hand in hand with socialism is “social justice” a concept that sounds noble for its presumption to level “the distribution of advantages and disadvantages in society,” in the name of equality. “My run for office was a manifestation of commitment to social justice,” Sanders said as he began his presidential run.

And “social justice” made another appearance, this time, in the form of what they did in Cambodia after the last helicopter lifted off from the U.S. embassy roof in Saigon in 1975, an act explicitly sought by Sanders’ anti-war left.

Three million Cambodians were slaughtered as a result by the Khmer Rouge communists, who were seeking to build an “equal” society of social justice from the ground up. They accomplished it through what they called “self-reliance,” another fine-sounding buzzword meaning autarky, the isolation of the country from all outside influence and scrutiny, an explicitly anti-free trade, anti-globalization romanticist philosophy that drove millions of city dwellers to the isolated countryside. There, they were systematically enslaved, shot, starved, tortured, brainwashed and indoctrinated, turning the country into a vast boneyard. With a quarter of the country dead, the Khmer Rouge achieved their sought-after social justice of equality all right: the equality of the grave.

These were not savages. Khieu Samphan and his fellow Khmer Rouge elites were mostly Sorbonne-educated and were much feted in the radical-chic circles of Sanders’ anti-war left. Sanders remains a friend of one of the Khmer Rouge’s staunchest apologists, Noam Chomsky.

“As an intellectual, I never wanted anything other than social justice for my country,” Khieu Samphan testified last week. Note that use of the word “intellectual.”

Until these trials began, the Khmer Rouge were heroes to the Sanders left. They fiercely defended the Khmer Rouge no matter what the reports of their atrocities, because of their commitment to “social justice.” The ends justified the means. When folk singer and anti-war protestor Joan Baez began to question the crimes, she was blasted by the left.

We have yet to hear Sanders condemn the horrific “social justice” of the Khmer Rouge. Nor do we know whether “the ends justifies the means” is his own reading of social justice. From the last Democratic debate, we know he continues to blame Henry Kissinger and the war itself for crimes — but still doesn’t seem to believe the pullout from Southeast Asia led to the atrocities. Maybe that’s why he still gives the Khmer Rouge a pass.


Anonymous said...

the left is about to destroy the US... they blame capitalism for every ills this country is going through ...real capitalism is not the problem , what we have now is crony capitalism... where bankers such as JP morgan , Goldman sachs have implanted their people in all part of the government , sending out lobbyists to conquer washington DC , bribing congress with the ill-gotten wealth... even the president and president wannabe ''hillary'' has taken millions of dollars from the bankers of wall street...
according to Sanders 's old friends, he did not earn his first paycheck until he was 40 years old and his first paycheck was from the government..according to his plan if elected to WH , he would tax the middle class to death to pay for '' free stuff '' that he promises to the low income people...he may claim that he want to tax the rich but the rich people are the ones in congress and their friends... what are the chance of them allowing such tax law to pass ?

elvey said...

This is insane. Aside from the word plays on "social justice" and "socialist" which are used quite differently in the compared contexts this seems to be blaming the American left (or "sanders left") for the khmer rouge.
If i recall the khmer rouge formed in the 60s. While the capture of phnom penh in 75 does coincide with the US exit from Vietnam it is attributed more to the Lon Nol government no longer able to maintain the resources to resist them. The US offered no support during the lead up although they did conduct bombing and ground operations in Cambodia in pursuit of the Viet Cong. Historians views differ on the impact that had on the Khmer Rouge but it can hardly be said the US leaving facilitated the khmer rouge. In fact it was the newly unemcumbered north vietnamese that ended the khmer rouge's rule in 78 who could not have done so had the US not left.
So no the US and the "Sanders left" do not have to answer for the atrocities committed by the khmer rouge. At least not in any meaningful way.