A Change of Guard

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Monday, 22 February 2016

EU funds increase by nearly 50 per cent

Mon, 22 February 2016 ppp
Igor Kossov

The European Union is increasing its development grants to Cambodia by almost 50 per cent in 2016 compared to the previous year, according to a Friday statement.

The Delegation of the EU to Cambodia said that the union will grant a total €59 million (about $66 million) to various government agencies and civil society groups this year. Last year, the EU granted a total of €40 million.

“Meeting people’s basic needs remains the priority for the European Union assistance in support of Cambodia’s efforts to eradicate poverty,” the delegation said in the statement.

The EU’s bilateral cooperation goals include helping the government strengthen agriculture and natural resource management, provide better education and reform its governance and administration.

Several of the NGO projects being funded aim to legally empower marginalised communities, support women in government, help handicapped people, provide better housing for the poor and strengthen civil society networks.

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