A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 28 February 2016

China's Moves in South China Sea Threat to Peace, Vietnam Says

China's Moves in South China Sea Threat to Peace, Vietnam Says
By Richard Finney
2016-02-25 rfa

Vietnamese and Filipino protesters denounce China's deployment of a surface-to-air missile system on a disputed island in the South China Sea, in a march in front of the Chinese Consular Office in Manila, Feb. 25, 2016.

Recent moves by China to place anti-aircraft batteries and radar systems on disputed islands in the South China Sea violate Vietnam’s sovereignty and pose a threat to regional stability and peace, a Vietnamese government spokesman said on Thursday. 

“The status quo is being destroyed,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Le Hai Binh told reporters at a ministry press briefing, according to a Feb. 25 report by VietnamNet.

China’s moves have “militarized” the South China Sea and threaten the security of air and ship traffic through the strategically important region, Binh added.

By introducing radar, surface-to-air missiles, and jet fighters into the contested Paracel and Spratly Island chains, China has also violated Vietnam’s “undisputable” sovereignty over the two island groups, Binh said, quoted by the Associated Press on Thursday.

Accusations last week that China has placed anti-aircraft batteries on Woody Island in the Paracels have raised tensions in a region already grappling with Beijing’s claim to sovereignty over most of the South China Sea.

Woody Island, which the Chinese call Yongxing, is also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan. The island contains an artificial harbor, an airport, roads, army posts, a helicopter base and other buildings, AP reports.

Some of the world’s busiest sea lanes traverse the South China Sea, which is also a rich fishing ground and may contain petroleum reserves under the sea bed.

Taiwan and China both claim nearly the entire sea. Vietnam and the Philippines also have large claims, while Brunei and Malaysia have smaller stakes to waters and features that lie much closer to those nations than they do to faraway China.


Anonymous said...

How about Vietnam swallowing Champa, Kampuchea Krom, controlling Lao, and Cambodia?
Are these acts not posing threat to peace?
Vietnam must clean its Ass first before crying out loud that another country has caused threat to peace.

Anonymous said...

YUON act like they're a victim but YUON is a crocodile and YUON do that because they want money from US ,Japan and Australia and actually China and YUON are like father and son. YUON is a real con and Please the world watch out and be careful with YUON. Look YUON eat Lao and Cambodia and so quiet it like nothing happen.

Anonymous said...

I for one don't really give a fuck,if china takes over the whole srok youn today.