A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 28 January 2016

Thailand: A dozen die in frigid weather

Thailand: A dozen die in frigid weather

Unusual cold snap takes the lives of 12 Thais overnight from exposure and respiratory illness, government says.

27 Jan 2016 aj
Thailand and other Asian regions are experiencing unusually cold weather [Narong Sangnak/EPA]

At least 12 people died overnight in Thailand as unusually cold weather gripped the semi-tropical Southeast Asian nation, officials said Wednesday.

The deaths were caused either by exposure or respiratory illnesses, an official from the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation told the DPA news agency.

Two other people died earlier in Chai Nat province, also related to the drop in temperature.

A cold front has swept through Thailand, sending temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius in some areas, more than 10C less than the average low for this time of year.

A high-pressure front has also caused flooding and high storm surges in the country's south, with more than 3,000 households affected, according to the department.

Severe weather warnings were issued in several northeastern provinces and the military government provided local residents with aid, including jackets and food.

Much of the rest of Asia was also shivering.

In Hong Kong, the mercury dipped to its lowest point in six decades. The rest of southern China also recorded unusually cold weather, with record-breaking low temperatures in many places.

In Japan, the unusual cold spell brought sleet as far south as Okinawa, a subtropical island known for its mild winters. Another southern island, Amami Oshima, recorded its first snow in more than a century.


Anonymous said...

in vietnam , in one province snow fell for the first time ever....in Bangladesh 286 children admitted to hospital from cold related illness...also pakistan , cold and snow in high elevation.
the earth wobbling effect from its normal rotation caused the cold jet stream to dip further south than should be...some say it has to do with the gravitational exerted by another planet at outer edge of our solar system which is on its way to cut through earth path . Did you hear all the talk about the planet 9 newly discovered by scientists just a few days ago ?... most people called it planet X or nibiru before those scientists admitted its presence ... climate change or global warming was the elite excuses to try to make money from us by ''carbon taxing''because of this anomaly. they knew about it that is why they are building and stocking up food and water in their underground bunkers , here in US , europe and even russia has the largest underground bunker in europe... not rumor, research underground bunker and you will see..
by the way some people who study the bible believe the story of Noah was actually a pole shift caused by that planet 9 or planet X or nibiru which ever you want to call it... didn't khmer have a folk story about great flood which people was saved by the naga ? could be same event except the naga was a race of reptilian --which some people believe existed on earth at one time... just story , for now .

Anonymous said...

A cold front has swept through Thailand, sending temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius in some areas, more than 10C less than the average low for this time of year.


The temperature dropped to -5 C and only 12 Thai died. They must have fur like dogs and cats.
The writer must have forgotten that -5 C is 5 degrees colder than ice.