ដីខ្មែរ ស្រែយួន...
Det Mengkheang sits at a Phnom Penh police station yesterday after being detained for social media comments made about Hun Sen. Facebook |
Facebook PM? Having ruled his country with an iron fist through Vietnamese backing and the CPP administrative-political structure they helped to set up in and since 1979, and having placed his political fortune and instinct for self-preservation upon the alter of brutality and violence against projected threats and foes alike along with the fearsome reputation forged therein as the uncontested "Strongman" to a nation scarred by tragedy, "genocide" and protracted civil wars over decades Mr Hun Sen has finally been persuaded to come to terms with the emerging circumstances and realities of the time ; the realisation that even these accustomed certainties and selective terror methods might not be enough to avert the strong possibility that his regime is about to succumb to its inevitable terminal demise - all thanks to a growing youthful population and the information they are able to access [despite centralised information distribution arrangement domestically] and the globalised digital media technology that makes this access possible. The recent spate of activities and statements [from tax reductions and exemptions on a range of public services, "clamp downs" on illegal logging to publicised health trip to Singapore and family outings etc.] can be seen as something of an attempt to give balance and a touch of the caring humane personae to the aforementioned Strongman image he has revelled in and worked hard to protect. Mind you, lest anyone should make the mistake of thinking: ah the man has lost his dreaded aura and organise a public protest against him ... well there will then be a counter "demonstration" to follow back home in his own political backyard, possibly with 'staged' brutal beatings as desserts to top it all up? - School of Vice [Image: akp]. |
Suspected creator of PM death rumour held
លោកអើយ ជោគជ័យម៉ែន តាមឈ្លោះជាមួយកូនក្មេងតាម ហ្វាសប៊ុក បើរឿងទឹកដី យួនមកនៅពេញស្រុក គឺគ្មានបញ្ហា រួញក្បាលដូចបង្រូល មួយមាត់មិនហានហាផង កោដមិនគិតថារឿងអ្វី បានជាកូនក្មេងខ្មែរទាំងនោះវា ធ្វើដូច្នេះ ? ថាក្មេងៗវាឈប់ជេរឬ? ឃើញទេវាកើតឡើងដូចផ្សិត តាមចាប់សម្លាប់ឲ្យអស់ទៅ អាញ់ថារដ្ឋាភិបាល វាឡប់គឺឡប់មែន ៕ ពិបាកណាស់ បើកភ្នែកឃើញកូនក្មេង ជេរប្រមាថ ដូច្នេះ? មិនទានងាប់ក៍ដូចទៅជាប្រែតទៅហើយ ព្រោះគេឈ្មោះវា សោចសៅដូច្នេះ៕ នេះហើយដែលមើលឃើញថាយួនវាល្អចំពោះ ខ្មែរនោះ តែលទ្ធផលគឺវាយ៉ាងនេះ ព្រោះកូនខ្មែរគេមានភ្នែក មើល ត្រចៀកស្តាប់ តើកូនខ្មែរវាអាក្រក់ឬពួក ហ៊ុន ឯង?
ដីខ្មែរ ស្រែយួន
Hun Sen Euy !!1- What are you going to do with your master Yuon who burn all the illegal stocked woods to defy your orders??As far as I know, you have always been a chicken facing with the Yuon. You are an ass-hole, you cannot protect Khmer interests.2- Regarding the territorial integrity, you have violently suppressed any Khmer nationalists who dared to voice their concerns over Yuon's encroachment of Khmer land.Presently, the notion of "Dey Khmer, Srer Yuon" is real and is spreading all over the places bordered with Vietnam.
What are you going to do? I knew already, you will always be a chicken facing Yuon.You must stop stealing this next election, free yourself from Yuon, and let the winner of this next election lead the country to save Cambodia. Bun Thoeun
Hun Sen Euy !!
1- What are you going to do with your master Yuon who burn all the illegal stock woods to defy your orders ??
As far as I know, you have always been a chicken facing with the Yuon. You are an asshole, you cannot protect Khmer interest.
2- Regarding the territorial integrity, you have violently suppressed any Khmer nationalists who dared to voice their concerns over Yuon's encroachment of Khmer land.
Presently, the notion of "Dey Khmer, Srer Yuon" is real and is spreading all over the places bordered with Vietnam.
What are you going to do? I knew already, you will always be a chicken facing Yuon.
You must stop stealing this next election, free yourself from Yuon, and let the winner of this next election lead the country to save Cambodia.
Bun Thoeun
PM's [Hun Sen] facebook, anybody?
មើលទៅ គួរចុកឈាមទេ រដ្ឋាភិបាល ឈ្លោះជាមួយកូនក្មេង ដោយចង់បិទបាំងនៅអំពើអាក្រក់របស់ខ្លួន ដោយចោទថាក្មេងអាក្រក់ កូនបីសាច តើវាពិតទេ? អ្នកណាអាក្រក់នោះ ?កូនក្មេងដូចឥតមានបានសម្លាប់អ្នកណាមួយទេ មែនទេ? ចុះពួកលោកដែលថា បណ្ឌិត ឬ កតិបណ្ឌិតនោះវាយ៉ាងណា? គួរខ្មាស់កូនក្មេងវាល្អជាង មែនទេ? ទោះជារដ្ឋាភិបាលលោកចង់បិទបាំងនៅអំពើដ៍អាក្រក់របស់លោកដែលកូនក្មេងលើកមកនៅក្នុង ហ្វេសប៊ុក នោះយ៉ាងណាក៍បិទមិនជិតដែរ កុំភ្លេចណាលោក កូនក្មេងវាគោរពបំផុត ចំពោះ ចាស់ ទុំ អ្នកស្អាតស្អំ ត្រឹមត្រូវ ទោះជាមិនបណ្ឌិតក៍ដោយ តែបើបណ្ឌិតរបៀបពួកលោក ច្បាស់ជាកូនក្មេងមិនឈប់ជេរ ឌៀល ទេ។ សុំអរគុណ
ដីខ្មែរ ស្រែយួន
Yes, you guys [SOV, BT and ដីខ្មែរ ស្រែយួន] obviously have said it all!!! Thx.
Kal I think If government Cambodian read this might be get made with Khmerization because the word (( Khmer soil but Yuon farm)) I think they're Hiding this for more than 30 years. why they hate all the messenger because they just reveal the truth.
may be the truth is hurt them to much because they can do anything with YUON.
School of Vice or Khmerization may have to entertain your comment Anon at 27 January 2016 at 13:01, should they chose to! Thx.
kal you make my day and you look so happy and by the way Hun sen might looking for who write the word (Khmer soil but YUON farm) because it look like they punch HUN on his face. thank you
I know for a fact that Khmerization and KI Media are blocked in Cambodia because I was there last year, but it was unblocked in Kampong Som and some other small cities.
This is the reason why Hun Sen and his government seldom or never respond to us but instead they go after the kids on FB who criticize them because their voices are heard and the kids hurt them – they expose the truth.
My question is can Khmerization and KI Media make their websites dual platforms, Google blog and FB, to spread the words. Please make our respective FB accounts’ link right under our respective logos. Otherwise I feel like we are only talking to ourselves.
very good idea Henry but both of them can do that? If they can do in face book than Hun Sen will be heart attack right away.
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