A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 22 December 2015

‘Don’t pull rank’ with traffic cops, Kheng says

‘Don’t pull rank’ with traffic cops, Kheng says
Tue, 22 December 2015 ppp
Mech Dara

Interior Minister Sar Kheng yesterday urged high-ranking officials to swear off their showy insignia lest regular cops be too intimidated to stop them for traffic violations.

During a speech he gave at the Siem Reap airport, Kheng said the civil service’s upper crust must dress “like regular citizens” when they travel.

“When travelling normally, if you’re a deputy prime minister, senior minister, or regular minister . . . you need to take off your ranks and consider yourself a citizen,” he said.

“Some provincial police chiefs are brigadier generals, some are captains, but the regular traffic police are [only] first lieutenants or second lieutenants . . . Asking them whether they dare to fine a brigadier general when he breaks the Traffic Law or whether they dare to stop the car of a deputy or senior minister, or anyone else with a high rank who breaks the law – the [traffic police] do not dare,” he said. “But for these incidents, we need to fine.”

Last week, Kheng called for boldness on the part of rank-and-file cops, saying they would be promoted if they were to pull over and fine a government minister.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uh....It's call corruptions, genius!! All CPP officials are now getting fat with million of $, now they're starting to implement the law, what a joke!