A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 27 December 2015

Deadline up for NEC jobs

Deadline up for NEC jobs
Sat, 26 December 2015 ppp
Shaun Turton

More than 100 people have applied to lead the National Election Committee’s secretariat, with the deadline set to close today.

Twenty-one people have thrown their hats in the ring to become the body’s secretary general, while 84 also applied for the four deputy secretary general slots, said NEC spokesman Hang Puthea.

The jobs are being publicly advertised for the first time in the Kingdom’s history after the NEC was reformed in April to become bipartisan.

Amid the flurry of last-minute applicants for the top job, was Kim Chhorn, a senior member of election watchdog Comfrel, Putha said.

Other contenders already revealed include the director of the NGO Buddhism for Development, Heng Monychenda; Ny Chakrya, head of investigations at rights group Adhoc; and Tep Nytha, the current secretary-general.

Puthea said he was surprised by the large response and hopeful the right candidate could be found. “We need a strong person who can help realise the goals of the NEC,” he said.

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