A Change of Guard

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Monday, 30 November 2015

Prince Ranariddh tells Rainsy not to ‘block aid’

Prince Ranariddh tells Rainsy not to ‘block aid’
ppp Mon, 30 November 2015
Vong Sokheng and Meas Sokchea

Prince Norodom Ranaraddh greets supporters at a rally in Kandal yesterday. Photo supplied


School of Vice: With friends such as these, who needs enemies?! No wonder then the "Strongman" and his thugs have been getting away with murder all these years ...

"Cambodians" will try to seek solutions to their own internal problems - to the last innocent Cambodian, of course! What original idea!


Prince Norodom Ranariddh, leader of the royalist Funcinpec party, has called on opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party president Sam Rainsy not to “block aid” to Cambodia following a resolution passed by the European Parliament last week that suggested aid could be slashed if an arrest warrant against Rainsy is not rescinded.

“He is a Cambodian leader and talked to foreigners to block aid to the Cambodian people,” Ranariddh told reporters yesterday. “Will he be responsible in front of the Cambodian people? It is a decision for the European Parliament, and there was no need for him to call for aid to be cut off.”

Ranariddh also urged Europe not to entertain Rainsy’s request as it would hurt ordinary Cambodians. The EU gives hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to Cambodia each year.

“If I was a donor country, I’d let Cambodian leaders resolve their own internal disputes. I would not cut off aid where aid is needed,” Ranariddh added.

The comments came as ruling Cambodian People’s Party spokesman Sok Eysan said a meeting to seek a resolution to the ongoing political crisis was planned for today or Tuesday.

Meanwhile, the National Assembly and Senate lashed out at the EU for interfering in the judicial process.

In the case of CNRP deputy president Kem Sokha’s dismissal from parliament, the bodies said he had acted unethically in the position and incited people to commit violent acts, while in Rainsy’s case they said it was a private legal matter between Rainsy and Namhong.


Anonymous said...

Rorn Nak Rith,

If you don't have anything to say, shut your Fu ...g mouth up.

Ah Kwack is destroying Cambodia. Your shit father Sihanouk had opened the door for Yuon to attack the US and allies from Cambodia and that was the root cause of today Khmer suffering Ah stupid.

Anonymous said...

He had memory deficit. When he was ousted but Hun Sen in Coup Etat in july 1997, Ranarih was all over the place , begged Foreign countries to intervene and put pressure to stop aid to Hun Sen government.

Anonymous said...

dog is support dog this aid is going to government dog cpp not for population.

Anonymous said...

ARaddh go and get yourself laid with youn whore you useless asshole prick.

Anonymous said...

ចង់តែសើចឲ្យ រយាស់ មេឃទេ ព្រោះវាថា កុំជ្រៀតច្រែករឿងផ្ទៃក្នុងរបស់ខ្មែរ តែឲ្យលុយមក ចយដឹកអើយ

Anonymous said...

This dirt bag never criticized Hun Sen. He is such a sold out whore. He is so irrelevant.