A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 28 November 2015

EU threat of action against Cambodian regime a case of "discrimination" of colonial kind?



Anonymous said...

Ah Sva Phay Siphan,

Do you see anything wrong with your Boss Ah Kwack Hun Sen and his master Yuon?

Why did the wolf Hun Sen accuse the lamb Sam Rainsy of making the water dirty when Sam Rainsy drank the water downstream ??

It is time for Ah Kwack to go and let Khmer people select their leader. Stop pushing Khmer people too much because they will explode and poop on Ah Kwack Hun Sen's face.

Anonymous said...

ស្មូមបើមិនបានលុយក៏តាំងក្ដៅក្រហាយជេរអ្នកអំណោយទាន នេះគេហៅថាស្មូមចង្រៃ ?

Anonymous said...

ព្រែតនេះកំពុងប្រតិកម្ម អឺរុប គេអោយជំនួយដើម្បីក៏សាងប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ មិនមែនយកជំនួយមកចែកគ្នាសីុម្ហបឆ្ងាញ់មានកម្លាំងហើយវាយប្រជាពលរដ្ឋឯងមិនឈប៊ឈរ ។

Anonymous said...

I wish the EU cut their legs off so they can't walk and only talk, and make them feel how it feels like when they are on the losing end.