A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 10 November 2015

កម្ពុជាប្រារព្ធទិវាឯករាជ្យជាតិ ខួប៦២


Anonymous said...

Our Motherland is yet to be independent,
until we liberate her and ourselves from Yuon !!!

Anonymous said...

Looking back Cambodia would be better off if it were to stay dependent with France like Tahiti. Now, what is there to celebrate about when the country is dominated by Vietnam?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous November 10, 2015 at 12:37, I respectfully disagree. I think we're smart enough to choose our own destiny; our own free will. What do you do without freedom? Yes, you may be rich, like most of the CPP members now. But down the road, when you're 80-90 years old, you reflect back to this moment, a chance to change for freedom; a country of our own free will independent from Youn. We need strong independent Executive, Legislative, Judicial and as well as independent arm forces.
We have to choose leadership wisely. Once a leader is chosen, we have to unite against all enemies foreign or domestic even if we don't like their policies. We can change that on the next election. No negative politics like CNRP have been doing. Don't get me wrong, I support CNRP, but I don't like the strategies we are employing. Knowing the minds of the CPP are keys to a successful victory of the next election. From now on refrain from negative attacks. Work on uniting the country. What do you think? Feel free to respond or disagree but please be civil and give your takes on the matter. No personal attacks or racial incitement. Thank you

Anonymous said...

To @10 November 2015 at 23:59

I commented @10 November 2015 at 12:37.

I just want to make sure that you understood my comment, because your response did not have anything to do with my comment.