Obituary: Geoffrey Howe
Howe (r) listens to Harold Macmillan addressing a Bow Group meeting in 1957 |
- 10 October 2015
Geoffrey Howe was one of the longest-serving Conservative cabinet members of modern times.
He was at the Foreign Office for the second longest period of the 20th Century, and was a reforming and innovative chancellor.
of an owlish gaze and courteous manner, he was seen as an effective, if
somewhat plodding member of the Thatcher administration.
It was
therefore, something of an irony, that it was his measured tones that
precipitated the downfall of one of the highest-profile prime ministers
in British history.
Richard Edward Geoffrey Howe was born in Port
Talbot, South Wales on 20 December 1926. His father was a solicitor who
was also the local coroner.
It was an area which had been dominated by Labour since Ramsay MacDonald won the parliamentary seat.
grandfather had been a staunch trade unionist and Howe later recalled
the long queues at local employment exchanges while he was growing up.
left Winchester College in 1944 and joined the Army, serving as a
signals officer in Kenya where he learned Swahili and lectured the
locals on the perils of communism.
He turned down the opportunity
to remain in the Army, instead going to Cambridge where he read law and
dabbled in Conservative politics.
"Not because of strong political commitment," he later recalled, "but because of an interest in taking part in politics."
He became a founding member of the Bow Group, an independent think tank that promotes Conservative ideas.
was called to the Bar in 1952 but politics still beckoned. He contested
his home seat of Aberavon in 1955 and 1959, in both cases failing to
unseat the Labour incumbent.
The following year he married Elspeth Shand who later carved out her own successful career in public life.
1958, he co-authored a report, entitled A Giant's Strength, which
argued that the trade unions were far too influential and that their
power should be curtailed.
entered Parliament in 1964, as the member for the marginal constituency
of Bebington, on the Wirral, but lost the seat two years later
following boundary changes.
He never gave up his legal work
during this period and remained convinced that MPs should have a sound
career outside politics before entering Parliament.
"Politics is much healthier if you have real people conducting it."
Howe won the safe Conservative seat of Reigate in 1970 as the party returned to power under Edward Heath.
was knighted the same year and Heath appointed him solicitor general.
He was responsible for helping to draft the Industrial Relations Act and
European Communities Act.
In 1972, Howe became minister of state at the Department of Trade and Industry, with a seat in the cabinet.
In February 1974 Howe won the seat of East Surrey. But Heath's government was defeated and Howe found himself in opposition.
He surprised many when he entered the race to replace Heath in the 1975 Conservative leadership election.
got a mere 19 votes, but he had set out his stall. When Margaret
Thatcher gained power in 1979, Howe was appointed chancellor of the
He proved
his reforming credentials by cutting income tax while doubling VAT. He
strove to reduce inflation, but at the cost of sharply rising
He rejected the idea that he was wed to some kind of monetarist dogma.
wellbeing of the British people, and the health of our economy, are far
more important than any government's commitment to a particular
was wide acclaim for his successful negotiations for the handover of
Hong Kong to China, which would finally take place in 1997.
after the killings in Tiananmen Square, he met hostility from Hong Kong
residents when he refused them general rights of entry to Britain.
Howe wanted Britain to enter the European exchange rate mechanism five years before Mrs Thatcher finally agreed to it.
Only after he jointly threatened resignation with the Chancellor Nigel Lawson, did she consent to conditions for entry.
differences almost certainly led to his unexpected removal from the
Foreign Office in the summer of 1989 - some thought he should have
resigned there and then.
But after a brief resistance, when he
turned down the Home Office, he accepted the role of leader of the House
and deputy prime minister.
his power was diminished, and his relations with the prime minister
became cool due to their fundamental disagreement over the EU.
representing Britain so often alongside her, he could not share what he
called her "nightmare vision" of "a continent teeming with
ill-intentioned scheming people".
And he came to believe that her beating of the nationalist drum was dangerous.
her part, Mrs Thatcher accused Howe of "bile and treachery", and said
he had become both "a source of division and a focus of resentment".
finally broke ranks after the prime minister had declared at a European
Council meeting that Britain would never join the euro.
followed it up with a somewhat intemperate speech in which she attacked
proposals that the European Parliament should become the democratic body
of the community, the Commission the executive, and the Council of
Ministers the senate.
"No. No. No," she famously told the Commons on 30 October 1990.
not only resigned, giving up his posts as leader of the Commons and
deputy prime minister, but made such a devastating speech of resignation
in the Commons that the prime minister never recovered.
Using a
cricket metaphor to describe Mrs Thatcher's attitude to British
negotiations in Europe, he said: "It is rather like sending your opening
batsmen to the crease, only to find ... that their bats have been
broken before the game by the team captain."
The speech encouraged Michael Heseltine to challenge Mrs Thatcher's leadership. Within weeks she left No 10.
Treasure trove
later claimed that he had not foreseen the consequences of his speech.
At the next election he went to the Lords as Lord Howe of Aberavon.
remained prominent in British politics and took a high-profile role in
the battle against Tony Blair's attempts to diminish the power of the
House of Lords.
Lord Howe was a hard worker, a patient negotiator and a persistent advocate for the things in which he believed.
He was seen as radical on monetarist and union matters, but as a dove and something of a philosopher on social questions.
Denis Healey once joked that being attacked by Howe was like being "savaged by a dead sheep".
was typical of the man that, away from the bear-pit of the Commons,
Howe counted Healey among his closest friends and the two men and their
wives often stayed with each other.
Geoffrey Howe proved himself to be a consummate politician, and a reforming chancellor.
in the end, he will probably be best remembered for the part he played,
albeit reluctantly, in the toppling of Margaret Thatcher.
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