‘Yuon’, Vietnamese, political
correctness and the failure to research?
by School of Vice
It's been something of a sacrosanct,
automated response by this minority of foreign expat press community and their
disingenuous local Cambodian informers-cum- "political analysts" with
axe to grind that any casual reference to Vietnam or the Vietnamese as
"Yuon" by any of the Opposition leaders in public address, or even
among the wider Cambodian public, shall be marked down with the additional note
suggestive of both disdain and entrenched political correctness of a rather
unthinking, unwholesome nature. Namely, the aforementioned descriptive term
would be followed by: "...a term considered by some as
derogatory". Note the stress I place on the word 'some' here to
remind us all that even the people who habitually insert this postscript
verbatim accept that the "derogatory" connotations attached to the
term used - if any - clearly seek to imply, and thus cast disapproval on,
the party/ individual using it, and that the perceived or implied meanings are
far from being universally and unanimously accepted. So why would this minority
insist in repeating the same line despite knowing the damage and slander it could
cast upon, not only a small minority engaging in party politics, but also
virtually an entire nation that has lived with and used the term without
perceived passion or ill sentiment from generation to generation and throughout their national history?
Before all this political correctness
and fuss with the word in question, various people, including but not limited
to, the current CNRP leaders, had also been caught up in fostering "anti-Vietnamese"
feelings and sentiment and, have even today been accused of playing the
"race card". It would take one for ever to write on the subject
matter, but it would appear that in the midst of all this contention and
semantics debate, there exists a vast gulf separating facts from fiction, truth
from propaganda, and above all, a failure to search for an equitable defence position
of proportion and reason. Just because some self-serving local Cambodians with
an NGO to manage and a cash flow to sustain puts a question mark on the said
term and its usage by politicians, that does not necessarily follow that they
too may not have a "race card" of their own to exploit? Even the
country's 'PM' recently had the shameless temerity to ask that the new UN envoy
focuses her effort on "racial discrimination"; a thinly veiled
reference to the political Opposition's much vilified
"anti-Vietnamese" stance.
Considering the PM’s own well-documented
catalogue of rights violations and brutal leadership style over the past
decades, his concern with 'racial discrimination' seems rather hallow and contrived
indeed. Most 'Cambodians' - whatever their ethnic origins, including the Vietnamese
themselves - I would venture to ague, are living a precarious existence under
the present ruling single party regime due to the absence of ‘the rule of law’
and the enforcement of civil political rights enshrined in the national
constitution. This is the saddest truth and reality confronting us today;
accepting this reality helps us to have a more balanced perspective and a sense
of proportion. It is also a reflection of the democratic, progressive camp
[including the above cited expat press community whom I still credit with performing
- overall - a positive role in reporting and shedding light on social aspects
and conditions of the society] that we find ourselves being sidetracked by this
otherwise wholly misplaced and unnecessary controversy largely owing to the blind,
misguided obeisance paid to political correctness. Whilst Opposition leaders
have been - directly or indirectly - scolded and have their credibility as
public figures scrutinized over the supposedly lauded "derogatory"
term used, the ‘elephant in the room’ and the person with a mandate to curse,
slander, and use all manners of derogatory uncouth terms and invective towards
his audience and targets in his daily rant before the microphone, somehow seems
to escape the studious attention of the same press community unscathed – more or
One of the most effective tactics
deployed by the Vietnamese-KR-CPP propaganda machine has been to repeat the
same line of party approved lies, ideas and half-truths until they have seeped
into the conscientiousness of their identified objects – particularly, this has been their favoured
method in indoctrinating their young recruits and the largely illiterate base
in rural areas. It would be most ironic in the least constructive and helpful
fashion if, in the name of neutrality and reporting balance [let alone the
cause of democracy], we were to unwittingly permit ourselves to repeat the same
lies and half-truths through lack of critical discrimination and a thorough
research demanded of us as writers and commentators on social issues of grave
consequences to a people and their actual collective life or entity.
Between two democratic states
governed by genuinely democratically elected governments, a more meaningful
discussion and dialogue perhaps would be the better way forward if, in the
event of any use of any term should be deemed therein an affront or pejorative
towards specific groups or nationalities – and if the Vietnamese communities or
their government in Hanoi had issued any such objections in any recorded official
statement, this has not been brought to my attention so far! It would therefore
appear that some conscientious local ‘Cambodians’ and ‘analysts’ are way ahead
of the much unfairly maligned Vietnamese themselves in defending them and upholding
this principled stance in political correctness?
Conversely, such ‘luxury’ or need is
somewhat far-fetched and thus - in practical terms - unrealistic within a
framework of ‘unequal’ relations between neighbouring governments and states.
During their military occupation of Cambodia in the 1980s, the Vietnamese
succeeded in enforcing more than the use of the term Vietnam or Vietnamese in
lieu of the locally accustomed term “Yuon”. ‘Kampuchea Krom Boulevard’ – for instance
among other streets in the capital - had been replaced with “Kampuchea-Vietnam
Friendship Blv. School children were instructed not to use the Y term, and when
caught using that pronoun, their teacher would deliver them a stern and lengthy
lecture on the importance and benefits of the fraternal solidarity between the
two countries. Teachers, monks, civil servants and most other community leaders
of various walks of life had all been subjected – and to some extent, still are
subjected - to political ‘re-education’ from the state in those days.
Without appealing to the late
Buddhist patriarch Chuon Nath’s definition of the same term [the person
considered and revered by most Cambodians even today as the nation’s literary authority supreme],
nor would it be appropriate for one who lacks literary depth [as I do] in the
Khmer to take issue with him! - let me leave readers with the age-old and ‘double-barrel’
reference among ethnic ‘Khmers’ to their country’s predominant ethnic mix/minorities
in the phrase “Chen-Yuon” [Chinese-Vietnamese].
Now who are we to maintain that one
half of this description is ‘derogatory’ whilst the other half isn’t?
That’s right; give it a rest - please.
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