A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 24 September 2015

Prime Minister Hun Sen departed for UN’s submit in New York

Prime Minister Hun Sen departed for UN’s submit in New York
Published: 23-Sep-15

PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald)—Prime Minister Hun Sen and other government’s senior officials departed here this morning to attend the “United Nations Summit for the adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda that will be held in New York from 25-27 September.

A protest against Prime Minister Hun Sen is scheduled to take place in front of the United Nations headquarter in New York, but it would not be a surprise, said Sok Eysan, spokesman for the Cambodian People’ Party (CPP).

The spokesman said that hundreds of Cambodians-American will greet the premier while there protest might only have 20 or 30 people.

This trip done at the invitation of UN secretary general Ban Kim-moon.

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