A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 26 September 2015

Demonstration against Hun Sen in New York: Saturday, September 26, 2015 (from 10:30 AM to 3:00 PM) បាតុកម្មប្រឆាំងនឹង ហ៊ុន សែន នៅបូរីនូយ៉ក

DATE: Saturday, September 26, 2015
TIME: 10:30 AM to 3:00 PM
PLACE: The United Nations Headquarters
             New York City (1st Avenue & East 47th street)
             760 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017
Slogans and flyer for the demonstration this Saturday are below and attached.
Feel free to choose one or more of those and print or write them on your banners/posters. Good luck to all protesters and organizers!

GADDAFI of Cambodia MUST GO 
Mafia PM Hun Sen’s Government must GO
 Hun Sen - a Mafia Prime Minister of Cambodia
- HUN SEN MUST STEP DOWN…NOW!!!Communists MUST GOTyranny MUST GOHUN SEN – A Criminal against Humanity!!!FREE & FAIR ELECTION IN CAMBODIA!!!NO MORE KILLINGS IN CAMBODIANO SECOND KILLING FIELD IN CAMBODIA, Please!!!CAMBODIANS NEED JUSTICEWE NEED JUSTICE FOR CAMBODIAN VOTERSPuppet of the Dictator Hun Sen Must Be out!HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE IN CAMBODIA MUST BE STOPPED!!!WE WANT PEACE AND JUSTICE IN CAMBODIAWe Demand FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS in Cambodia!Hun Sen’s Regime abuse Cambodians’ rightsNo more Dictatorship in CambodiaWe need true Democracy in CambodiaNo more killing or threatening on the Democracy supportersNo Politicians’ ImprisonmentVIOLENCE by the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) IN CAMBODIA MUST BE STOPPEDNO FREE & FAIR ELECTION, NO STABILITY IN CAMBODIANo Stability in Cambodia, No Stability in South East AsiaWE CANNOT ACCEPT Voting Frauds in CambodiaWe, the Cambodian-Americans, cannot accept communistsCambodian-Americans urged the U.N and the U.S. to seriously intervene on the Cambodia’s National STABILITYU.S. Must Intervene the Cambodia Election for peaceful resolutionUN, US & EU Must Not Recognize the ELECTION RESULTS
Hun Sen! Stop being Vietnam's slaveHun Sen! Stop killing Khmers for Vietnam
- Hun Sen! A dictator for over 30 years
Hun Sen! Stop abusing human rightsHun Sen! Stop illegally giving Khmer land to VietnamKhmer people do not want Hun Sen in power- Khmer people need real Justice & Peace in CambodiaHun Sen! We do not want you to be our Prime Minister any more
- Vietnam! Stop involving in Cambodia politics
Vietnam! Stop controlling Cambodia through your puppet Hun Sen
Stop Human Rights Violation in Cambodia- Hun Sen! Stop sending illegal Vietnamese to Cambodia- Hun Sen! Stop killing your own people


Anonymous said...

If I were Mr. Hun Sen, I would have an open townhall meeting and take direct questions from the audience. Or, I would invite Mr. Chanbot from RFA interview me and open line questions. This is the opportunity with my people abroad.

Anonymous said...

hunsen does everything the world bank and IMF dictate him to do in order to get all the ''fund /loans ' to help build the country and stay in power...that is : sell all lands to corporations which are partially owned by central banks owners[ rothschild and goldman sachs are the 2 biggest controlling all the wealth of the world ] ... if hunsen dare betray the bankers he will be do away just like Qaddafi.... do you really think that the bankers care whether a leader of a country is a dictator or not? .. there are plenty of them right now around the world... tons of them in africa yet every country gov is clamoring to become friend with these dictators ... why ? for the wealth that is buried under earth [ gold, silver, precious metals... etc... ] obama even invited a few african dictators to have '' state hosted dinner '' at the white a few months ago.... Assad of syria refused to play along ... look what they are doing to his country...Qatar want to get gas pipeline through that country to europe so to cut off russia business with selling gas to europe.. and assad is with putin... also israel want assad gone because it accuses him to shipping weapons to Hezbollah... and US gov takes order from israel...