A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Watch a video of Vietnam's encroachments of Cambodia's border

Click here to watch the video:

ការយល់ឃើញរបស់លោក អៀ ចាន់ណា ចំពោះខ្សែបន្ទាត់ព្រំដែនខ្មែរយួនខេត្តកណ្តាលស្ថិតនៅវត្តព្រែកស្បូវឃុំសំពៅពួនស្រុកកោះធំខេត្តកណ្តាល
Posted by Pich">https://www.facebook.com/ith.sovannarith">Pich Sovann PS I

on Sunday, June 21, 2015


Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a link of the man-made canal the Youn also dug up to create the new border line while Cambodia was under the Youn occupation in the 1979s? During those year, the Youn almost demicated the Khmer forest and transported them back to Vietnam under the pretense of Khmer Liberation.

Please share.

Anonymous said...

Take Vietnam to the IJC !!!

Kim Ea said...

All of Khmer inside or outside and everywhere in the world, Your are a diehard CPP or CNRP we are all Khmer race. Right now we see ,we hear ,a lot of the tragedy of this invasion from enemy .The question is. What we can do ? What we can retain our land back ? Depend of some one come to help? the world court help ? Your slave foreigner government change mind ? or we need to diligently fight back with our own gut? Heaven can not help you if you can't even help your self . Did you Khmer dare to stand your ground and fight until you die for this cause ? how many dare to sacrifice and how any embed with this Yuon government ? If any one can give my an answer to these basic questions ?

Anonymous said...

To live in peace with Vietnam, Cambodia MUST be :

1. Strong militarily, economically and scientifically.
2. In a military alliance with the enemy of Vietnam, China

A Khmer Patriot

Anonymous said...

​វត្ត ភូមិព្រែកស្បូវ ឃុំសំពៅពូន ស្រុកកោះធំ ខេត្តកណ្ដាល

google map link:

https://www.google.com/maps/place/Cambodia/@10.9224666,105.0509623,745m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x310787bfd4dc3743:0xe4bPreaek Sbov Pagoda​វត្ត7bfe089f41253?hl=en

Anonymous said...

Response to 7:43

1. Strong militarily, economically and scientifically: A long dream. Military is possible but economy to be improved we need to change our culture of work attitude. Change our thinking of "work less, earn more", change our way to be able to compete in the today open economy with other neighbors. That is very hard to change in a short time. And don't even think about science, we're far off.

2. If you could not achieve goal number 1, then goal number 2 would not be the same. We would become someone else bitch.

Anonymous said...

Response to 12:11

Yes, it is a long dream, but the dream can materialize into reality.
Please understand the root cause of Cambodia problems.

Throughout the world there are Khmers, especially nationalist Khmers who are holders
of post graduate degrees, such as PhD's, Doctorates and Laureates from North America, Europe and Asia. But theses professionals and intellectuals don't want to or can't go home to help the country, because the government in power is NOT the Khmers'government, it's
the government of the sold-out Khmers.

When a country whose destiny is controlled by its expansionist neighbor, that country and its people constanly live in misery, fear and through social ills.

Let's stop finding the cure for the symptoms, treat the cancers directly.
To live in peace with your enemy, such as Vietnam you must be as strong or stronger.
We must NOT let the larger size nor the strength of our enemy overwhelme us.
Analogically, let me bring up two examples:

1. Vietnam is a tiny speck comparing to China, and yet Vietnam still does not give in.
It tries to make alliance with the US,its old enemy and the Philippines.

2. In 1973, there were eight much larger countries invaded SIMULTANEOUSLY a tiny country, the size of
three provinces of Cambodia. The tiny country won the war !
Hence, not the size of the country that matters, rather the size of the brains.

A Khmer Patriot

Anonymous said...

Dear Khmerization,

There appears to be good readers/ posters' comments or debates here.

Would you please repost them again, so that others can comment on them.
Which item (s ) is going to be reposted , it's up to you and you alone.
Thank you