A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Michelle Obama spends $245500 on Cambodian hotel rooms [Is Cambodia ripping off America?]

- - Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Hotel accommodations for First Lady Michelle Obama’s two-day trip to Cambodia required 85 rooms and cost taxpayers $242,500, according to a government contract.
Mrs. Obama traveled to Siem Reap, Cambodia on March 21 to promote a girls education initiative. A contract was awarded on March 3, citing the “unusual and compelling urgency” of the First Lady’s trip. Mrs. Obama and a delegation of senior high-level U.S. government officials stayed at the Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra Golf and Spa Resort, according to a justification and approval document for the visit.
The trip required 85 single rooms, five office suites, five sleeping suites, and one conference room for 14 nights. Mrs. Obama herself only stayed in Cambodia for two days, leaving on March 22. The Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra is listed as a luxury five-star hotel, and comes with personal butler services for guests.


Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

If M.O. did not come to Cambodia, but instead gave each of the 10 Cambodian girls (242,500/10) 24,250 dollars toward their education, I would think her impact would be greater.

When I was in my early 20s, I was the advisers and guardians for some Vietnamese families. They revered me as their most wise. At the time, my wisdom and maturity was far exceeding their entire community.

They were into making video recording of their trips back to Vietnam and the families were rivalry against each other who had the most expensive video recorders.

They called me up and asked me for researching, analyzing the cost, functions, feature. And these VR were not cheap, some costed upward 2,000 dollars a piece.

I did what they asked and gave them superb analysis. They were ooh, aah, wow with my technical analysis. Then they asked, "We are so overwhelmed. Why don't you make a decision for us?"

I gave them a surprise decision, "Buy nothing. Go back to Vietnam with no Video Recording. If you have too record something, borrow a VR or rent one."

Then I told them, the best VR you have is your eyes and your memory. If you are truly caring for your love ones in Vietnam, you don't need VR. You have your eyes, your brains.

Then I added, "Save the cash, and give the money to your loves ones. Don't race with other guys, let's the fools race each others. The love ones with more cash in Vietnam win."

In one stroke, I succeeded in stopping this nonsense show-off "I have better Video Camcorder than you do" among the Vietnamese.

I think right now the Cambodians are suffering from the show-off "I have better smart phone than you do".

I don't have nor ever own any fancy items. My way to show off is to flaunt my superior physics and mental power. I have a beautiful light skin. My face is smooth and nice, with no wrinkle. My muscles are tone. I can do complex calculation in my head. And I memorize thousands of books as well.

So, if you want to show off, invest time and discipline to improve yourself. Do it for free. I put my money in the bank. That's superior as well.


Anonymous said...

You are a good person 312. Don't forget to kiss your mom to that you love her.