A Change of Guard

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Monday, 6 April 2015

Dining on Dogs in Yulin: VICE Reports [Viewing discretion advised]

School of Vice: It's not a "cultural" thing; it's man's unbridled cruelty to unprotected animals in gross excess ...


Anonymous said...

Oh ! man I felt so sad for these dogs especially that pomaranian. How can any human being eat these dogs unless they are animals themselves. These Chinese, Vietnamese and a few Cambodian, Laotian, Siam really need to grow up and have some conscience not eating dogs and cats any more. I believe Asian cultures, foods, intelligent, history, intellectual are equal and better than the rest. Except this cruelty to man best friend is a big black eyes to us Asian. The Japanese & Korean needed to stop eating whales, dolphins any more. I had worked with Mexican and American when they went to visit Asia all they like to show were dogs meat & cat meat stand in China & Vietnam. They would put on internet for all the world to see, this is very embarassment. Don't give these hateful, jealousy, envied European & Latin peoples use these pets eating spoil and tainted our great Asian achievements in world #1 economy, intellectuals, modernize space and weaponry, defense. EATING MAN BEST FRIENDS ARE JUST MORALLY WRONG.

Anonymous said...

Bad karma for them dogs,eh?
