A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 25 April 2015

Cambodian worker shot dead in Thailand [by his Thai supervisor]

A Cambodian migrant worker was allegedly shot dead on Thursday by his Thai supervisor in Thailand’s Chachoengsao province after an alcohol-fuelled argument with a Burmese co-worker, the victim’s family and a Cambodian border official said yesterday. Victim Phat Sok In, 24, of Kampong Chhnang province, died instantly after being shot by a man identified only as Chin, according to Sok In’s brother-in-law Penh Sophal, 56.
Sophal said that Sok In and his co-workers were drinking after work when the argument broke out.
“Then the Burmese got on the phone with the boss. A supervisor who is Thai came to talk [to them] at the drinking table, but my brother left the place. Then, [the supervisor] called him back and took the gun and shot my brother-in-law six times in the chest and head,” Sophal said. The suspect fled the scene in a car, he added. Sao Veasna, head of the Cambodia-Thailand border relations working group at the Poipet border checkpoint, said that his office had sent a report to higher authorities.

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