A Change of Guard

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Friday, 24 April 2015

Cambodian prince says visit to China fruitful for bilateral ties

PHNOM PENH, April 22 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Prince Norodom Ranariddh, president of royalist Funcinpec Party, said Wednesday that his four-day tour to China has completed successfully.
"The visit has further enhanced relations and cooperation between the Funcinpec and the Communist Party of China, and created friendlier ties among leaders of the two parties," he told reporters at Phnom Penh International Airport upon his arrival.
The prince, who is a son of late revered King Norodom Sihanouk, said he was warmly received by Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao and other senior officials during his visit.
Ranariddh, who led the Funcinpec to victory in the UN-run elections in 1993, was re-elected president of the party in January this year.

Currently, he is also the head of the Supreme Privy Advisory Council to King Norodom Sihamoni, his half-brother.


Anonymous said...

pongkdar ranarith

Kim Ea said...

You are a fool and cheapest man of human being in the country .