A Change of Guard

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Monday, 6 April 2015

Angkor What?!

 Anonymous said...

"គួរឲ្យខ្មាស់អន្ររជាតិ ព្រោះមានខ្មែរដូចជាពូជបរសខ្មាក់ភ្នែក ហ៊ុន សែន ព្រោះមនុស្សនេះមានរូបកាយជាមនុស្ស តែមានចិត្តគំនិតជាសត្វតេរិច្ឆាន ខ្វាក់ភ្នែក.ខ្វាក់ចិត្ត,ខ្វាក់សតិសម្បញ្ជាញៈ,ខ្វាក់ឧត្ដមគតិទាំងជូជឦជូជនេះ ចូលចិត្តធ្វើជាកញ្ជះគេដោយឪពុកថ្វើខុសហើយកូនបែរជាគាំទ្រ ដូច្នេះមាន ន័យថាពូជនេះខ្វាក់អ្វីៗគ្រប់យា៉ងទាំងអស់ ។"



Anonymous said...

Even Jackie Chan, a non-Khmer, is pissed off. hahaha…

Anonymous said...

Yup, Khmerization is totally trash!
NO question about it - still wanna frequent it?

Anonymous said...

Like father like son, all Yuon's slave mentality.
Ah Hun Ov Dauch Ter Ah Hun Kaun !!

Ho Chi shit

Anonymous said...

Dear Khmers,

Yuon have expansionism in their blood.
Never try to make freinds with the enemy. We MUST flight back.

Yes, we can stop and destroy Yuon expansionism.
Our ancestors did not have the " tools " we now have.

" A Good Yuon is a Dead Yuon !!! "

Anonymous said...

It don't matter how many million comments are being deleted/expunged or the comment box itself is being disabled, the fact remains that 'Khmerization/School of Vice/DrGunZet's' is one of the same???

Still wanna frequent 'Khmerization'???


Anonymous said...

9:53 am

You bark your stupidity out loud!

Anonymous said...

is that all you can say, 10:32am?.....tsk tsk tsk....so sad!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha It's so great If Hun put YUON letter on it. It doesn't matter YOU LIKE OR NOT .It will come full speed . If any Khmer didn't studying YUON you will not get job in government. period

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Khmer folks, why are you folks are so Khmer this, Angkor that. Look at Apsara dance. Man, it's kinda slow, boring and repetitive. Why not learn from the world. Let's compare Apsara dance with this.


My brain is hyper-active. I enjoy fast beat, fast pace and dynamic, thundering music. I prefer exquisite, creative performance.


P.S. And I really prefer light-skinned girls over dark-skinned girls.


Anonymous said...

5 April 2015 9:53 am
You sound like Yuon's spy. That 's how Yuon Killed Khmer by accusing them as Yuon.

Now you combine Khmerization, SOV, and the real Yuon GunZet as one person. Your stinky mouth is to demoralize any Khmer who has worked hard to protect Khmer interest.

Now I see that asshole who accused Khmerization in the first place was YOU.

93 Years Old Woman

Anonymous said...

5 April 2015 5:24 pm, your comment don't count because you are already expired but pretending to be still alive? ROFLMFAO!

P.s. By the way there are lots of sick people on this blog, YUON and KHMER alike, go figure!

Anonymous said...

គួរឲ្យខ្មាស់អន្ររជាតិ ព្រោះមានខ្មែរដូចជាពូជបរសខ្មាក់ភ្នែក ហ៊ុន សែន ព្រោះមនុស្សនេះមានរូបកាយជាមនុស្ស តែមានចិត្តគំនិតជាសត្វតេរិច្ឆាន ខ្វាក់ភ្នែក.ខ្វាក់ចិត្ត,ខ្វាក់សតិសម្បញ្ជាញៈ,ខ្វាក់ឧត្ដមគតិទាំងជូជឦជូជនេះ ចូលចិត្តធ្វើជាកញ្ជះគេដោយឪពុកថ្វើខុសហើយកូនបែរជាគាំទ្រ ដូច្នេះមាន ន័យថាពូជនេះខ្វាក់អ្វីៗគ្រប់យា៉ងទាំងអស់ ។

Anonymous said...

This is Vietnamization through the devil one eye Hun Sen by the evil Vietnam.

What more proof do we need to confirm this Vietnamization?

Can we at least mount a huge demonstration protesting this Yuon cultural assimilation and force Ah Kwack Hun Sen to remove this shit entrance?

Ho Chi Shit

Anonymous said...

Ah khmerization = ah dog drgunzet= ah Mike= ah youn.

Anonymous said...

Pol pot sodier all are Khmer right. Most khmer peoples was killed by those Khmer rough sodier right. And pol pot evacuate all youn out since 1975 right. Now you clearly see Khmer kills Khmer.right. Aren't they.? .or you stupids believed youn orders pol pot to kill Khmer. Khmrization please kindly eliminate naive ex Khmer rough or ki lover.Mike

Anonymous said...

Mike or Mousy,

Sorry, you're not ready for primetime, Boy !