A Change of Guard

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Monday, 9 March 2015

Vietnam, Cambodia sign protocol, plan for defense cooperation

UPDATED : 03/08/2015 

Vietnamese Minister of Defense General Phung Quang Thanh talks with reporters in Hanoi on October 20, 2014.
Tuoi Tre
Vietnam and Cambodia signed a protocol and plan for cooperation in exchanges of military groups, repatriating Vietnamese martyr remains, and others between the two countries’ defense ministries in 2015 earlier this week.
The deals were struck by General Phung Quang Thanh, Vietnamese Minister of Defense, and General Tia Banh, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of Cambodia, during a meeting in Ho Chi Minh City on Friday.
The meeting was part of a two-day working visit of a Cambodian delegation, led by Cambodia’s Cambodian Minister of Defense, to the southern city. The visit wrapped up yesterday.
During the meeting, the two sides re-affirmed their defense cooperation is effective and serves as one of the pillars of their bilateral relations.
Joint patrols in the historic waters of the two countries have helped maintain security and enabled their respective fishermen to make a living.
The two ministers agreed that in 2015 and subsequent years, their military will continue to strengthen bilateral relations in a comprehensive manner, making in-depth cooperation and achieving practical results.

The cooperation will focus on the following areas: exchanges of military groups; staff training; searching for, retrieving, and repatriating Vietnamese martyr remains in Cambodia; coordinating management; and building a border for the sake of peace, friendship, stability, and development.


Anonymous said...

In other words, the Khmer Arm Forces is under the Viets' control !

Anonymous said...

When you see YUON soldier kill Khmer in Khmer That mean are legal because YUON are protecting Cambodian government and YUON army can do what ever they one. and from now on no one can say anything about YUON at all.

Anonymous said...

Im sicken tires of Youn mfker y can we dont make friemd with them they are my enemies for lifes unless they give my khmerkrom back to us

Anonymous said...

Well, thanks but no thanks for your offers to defend CPP government (Ah Yong Yuon Hun Sen's government). You as a Vietnamese Minister of Defense General Phung Quang Thanh (a mfkr and killer) in that ugliest Vietnamese/Yuon uniform are trying to hold your grips to control Cambodia to fulfill your evil ghost Ho Chi Minh's dream to swallow all Cambodia's territory and to take advantage of Cambodia's territory and national resources.

You bastard as a Vietnamese Minister of Defense General Phung Quang Thanh must stop pretending to help protect your Cambodian CPP government as your Vietnamese puppet led by your Vietnamese slave Hun Sen. We know your dirty games and tricks to fool the International Community or Westerner countries like USA, Australia, UK, Canada, Japan, South Korea, France, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, Spain, Italy and more.

You mfkr as a Vietnamese Minister of Defense General Phung Quang Thanh just go to the hell and suck the cock of your ghost Ho Chi Minh and don't forget to invist your Yuon/Vietnamese dog Hun Sen to come with you to hell.

Anonymous said...

Cont'd from 9 March 2015 9:28 pm

It is time for all Khmer/Cambodian people to take their home land back form your evil Hanoi Vietnamese/Yuon masters' controls. You mfkr as a Vietnamese Minister of Defense General Phung Quang Thanh need to be aware of open-eyed and intelligent Khmer people and International community. We will expose your dirty and dangerous games to hurt and kill Cambodian people by hiding your Yuon/Vietnamese agents in current CPP government regime led by a Yuon/Vietnamese slave Hun Sen. So, stop creating the bloody war among Khmer people and stop creating the second Killing Fields in Cambodia again. Just remember the Killing Fields from 1975 to 1979 was created by your evil Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi master-minded killers. Stop accusing Khmer people that created the problems, but you bastard as a Vietnamese Minister of Defense General Phung Quang Thanh along your followers of evil Ho Chi Minh always create the problems instead.

Khmer Yoeurng

Anonymous said...

@9 March 2015 9:28 pm
Ho Chi Minh's dream to swallow all Cambodia's territory and to take advantage of Cambodia's territory and national resources.
Are there any evidences about 'the dream' you are talking about!? Or are you fabricating things to justify your hatred and envy toward other people, other nation?

We know your dirty games and tricks to fool the International Community or Westerner countries like USA, Australia, UK, Canada, Japan, South Korea, France, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, Spain, Italy and more.
So Vietnamese was able to fool the entire world!? Thanks for your 'blessing' about Vietnamese's smartness buddy! In the other hand you said you Cambodian can see through those 'tricks' which mean you're even smarter then Vietnamese (and the entire world as well!). Well if you're so super awesome cool to that point then why Cambodia remain a third world nation!? Something wrong here!


Anonymous said...

9 March 2015 3:58 pm
Im sicken tires of Youn mfker y can we dont make friemd with them they are my enemies for lifes unless they give my khmerkrom back to us

Are you mentioning about South Vietnam!? You mean if Vietnam want to be friend with Cambodia then VN must secede 1/3 of its permanent territories to Cambodia!? Laughable, sorry pal Vietnam's territories was recognized by the entire world including the Kingdom of Cambodia itself.


Anonymous said...

@9 March 2015 9:37 pm

Just remember the Killing Fields from 1975 to 1979 was created by your evil Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi master-minded killers.

Scion of Khmer Rogue today keep screaming and whining about this blatant lies yet they was never ever be able to show any worthy evidences for such laughable lying. A pathetic attempt it is young friend.


Anonymous said...

#comcomWF means Cum Cum, what the f**k!!! LOL

#comcomWF is a Yuon/Vietnamese parasite sneaking into other blogging sites to blah blah blah

#comcomWF is a paw of DrugZit who is coming back again.

Anonymous said...


If you don't know your dead uncle Ho's Dreams of swallowing Cambdia and Laos, you must be stupid and / or an hypocrite Yuon !!!

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Someone wrote:
If you don't know your dead uncle Ho's Dreams of swallowing Cambdia and Laos, you must be stupid and / or an hypocrite Yuon !!!

10 March 2015 9:11 am
I always view myself as vastly superior than the entire Khmer community, perhaps the entire race. I have already read thousand of books and tens of thousands articles. But I have never come across any fact about Ho Chi Minh's dream to swallow up Laos and Cambodia.

So, if you Khmer folks can present any evidence/fact to support your claim, I will admit to be stupid and also a hypocrite.

But if the Khmer folks do not present any evidence/fact, then Khmer folks are desperate, reaching the end of the evolution branch. Khmer folks are to be controlled by the Vietnamese until their peaceful fading away, into extinction.


P.S. Seriously, you Khmer folks should be alarmed of your future. It does not look good. This year, Vietnam started to construct additional IT (Information Technology ) parks in different cities. Apparently Korea, Japan and other countries, each would cooperate with Vietnam at one of these IT parks.

Japan is shifting most of their Software outsourcing to Vietnam this year. Korea is shifting their Electronics to Vietnam. USA is shifting some tech to Vietnam and so on.

So, clearly by winning multiple World Chess champions at Underage 10, 12, 14, 18, 20 as well as ranking 3rd in International Math Olympiad has convinced the other countries to bring high-tech research and development into Vietnam.

No country in the world would bring any high tech into Cambodia. Look at the disastrous National exam last year. Several years ago, Cambodia sent a Math team to compete in the International Math Olympiad. The Cambodian team ranked near the bottom, 95 out of 98, lol...If I remember correctly.

Last year, oversea Vietnamese sent to Vietnam more than 11 billion US dollars. Oversea Cambodian sent to Cambodia about 100 million US dollars!!! Oh my God, that's more than one hundred times over, between the Vietnamese and the Khmer in remittance.

Anonymous said...

@ 10 March 2015 6:40 am

Typical troller. When they can't counter the other words, they will simply attack the other personally


Anonymous said...

#comcomWF and -Drgunzet- are Yuon/Vietnamese parasite.

Welcome back to the Wold of Hypocrite Yuon/Vietnamese forum!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for protecting us. We are friends. Khmer people will always be forever in debt

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

I know for sure, Korea has been cooperating with Vietnam in Con Tho city in Mekong. The two countries are researching into high tech agriculture. This year, Vietnam started to build an huge IT center in Thai Nguyen, the place where tens of billion dollars worth of smart phones are being produced by Samsung.

Vietnam already has some big IT centers in Ho Chi Minh city, Hanoi, and Danang. Now they are branching out to the smaller cities directly next to the huge industrial complex.

Last year, I saw news about Vietnam repeatedly had shortage of mid and high level staffs. Clearly they are ramping up these research and development centers.

This year 2015, Vietnam started to have labor shortage massively after Tet New Year. Samsung alone asked for 10,000 new workers to be staffed at Thai Nguyen.

Look at Cambodia. Now your minimum wage is even higher than Vietnam, $128 as compared to $90-125. A lot of garment order (about 1 billion dollars) shifted to Vietnam. Now the garment factories in Vietnam give "Tet" bonuses to keep workers. Some bonuses were as much as $100 dollar, almost a month in salary.

Vietnamese workers don't fight, don't mass faint. They are smarter, working harder than the Cambodian workers. They jumped jobs after Tet every year, so they are more skilled. Some of them have college degree or even speak English.

Cambodian workers are awful...

Let's pretend I am a Vietnamese workers, and you folks are Cambodian workers...lol.... Who in the right mind would want to invest a factory in Cambodia???

That's why the French relied on the Vietnamese to rule then Khmer during Indochina.


Anonymous said...

Drginzet / # common WF,

Hanoi installed its puppet Hun Sen to Vietnamize Cambodia.
Similarly Hanoi did the same thing to Laos. Remember Champa ?
Yuon have expansionism in their blood.

" A good Yuon is a dead Yuon !!! "

Anonymous said...


You show your stupidity more and more .
Your dead Uncle Ho was not as stupid as you are.
Why would he leave " paper trail " for the public, including the Vietnamese to know about his evil plans and strategies ?

Got it, get it, good !!!