A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 8 March 2015

The CNRP must oppose the provisions on seat confiscation

By Bun Thoeun


If you allow the CPP to integrate this provision - a draft bill on election law includes provisions about seat confiscation from parties who boycott first parliamentary sitting – into law, you will kill yourself and especially kill Cambodia because Khmer people depend on the CNRP to liberate Cambodia from this evil Vietnam.

This is the moment that you fight back and do whatever you must do to stop this provision from materializing.
The CNRP should learn how to make the “culture of dialogue” a 2 ways street. The CNRP must not let the CPP dictates the formation of the NEC. The CNRP must put its back against the wall, and fiercely fight back from here.

If you don’t want that provision (confiscate the seats) to go into law, this is the time that you WALK OUT of the National Assembly and openly denouncing this provision to the world. The timing to make the protest is so crucial, and this is the right time and may be the ONLY TIME that you can stop this provision from becoming law.
Does the CNRP have any provisions that effectively stop the CPP from cheating the election and forcing the CPP to give up the power after it lost the election?

Here are the strategies of the evil Vietnam and its puppet Hun Sen:

1- Try to win the election legally without cheating.
2- Sensing that it cannot win without cheating, it will cheat (fraudulent election).
3- If cheating and still not winning like in 2013, it will use force and will not give up the power.

Therefore, the CNRP must not make itself just a tool for the evil Vietnam and Hun Sen to swallow Cambodia legally.

The time for the CNRP to walk out of the National Assembly is NOW before the National Assembly passes that provision into law. The key is WITHOUT THE PRESENCE of the CNRP’s MPs, the National Assembly cannot pass that provision into law.


Anonymous said...

By nature human was separated from animal. .right. ? Mom sanondo ,kem sok svar was jailed or sentenced .right, cheap and inhuman alway end up in prison. Right. ? Aren't they a real anima.?..heyy look how he cheat his family, IRI. Stealing rice. ..biten his mother in law. Etc..All stingy thug animal behave kem sok svar he got it all and perfectly apply to daily life. Right? ...now you clearly see kem is a pure animal. Right. ? Isn't he? .. Mike

Buntheoun very pervessive individual ..he allway love to make easy things difficulty. ...stop thus idiot comments.

Anonymous said...

Cnrp= band aid. ...they using band aid to rescue khmer nation. ...idiot if you wounded you need to cue from inside out. ...not apply band aid and hope the wounded will gon....

Anonymous said...

Cnrp= band aid. ...they using band aid to rescue khmer nation. ...idiot if you wounded you need to cue from inside out. ...not apply band aid and hope the wounded will gon....Mike

Anonymous said...

The author is wrong about walking out all 55 (63 in reality)CNRP MPs.
The national assembly formula 50+1 only to pass. CPP cheated their way 2013 to have 68 MPs. This is more than 50+1. Only if some CPP MPs and all 55 CNRP oppose that the election laws can be rejected. I am afraid it will pass no matter we like it or not. WHY DID SAM
RAINSY & KEM SOKHA AGREED TO THIS ? I had heard Sam Rainsy explanations but it is mot clear. I hope CNRP leaderships had a good reasons to agree to this last claw request by Hun Sen. After all this I still think we are better of than before 2013. We now have 4 of ours on NEC commission and one neutral NEC chairman ( chairwoman). Our country needed to get away from arguing with blood spills to dialogues. Not perfect but better than before there were nothing only CPP NEC.

I still worry about all CPP loyalists on constitutional councils and a puppet king.

Anonymous said...

Dear compatriots,

This is just common sense:

The evil Vietnam and Hun Sen are extremely hypocrite.
And when your culture of dialogue to create a new NEC goes smoothly, then there must be something wrong.

This evil Vietnam will never allow its puppet Hun Sen to concede anything that would result to the CPP running into trouble. That’s the evil Vietnam’s determination.

The CNRP should have its own conviction too. It must not accept this seat confiscation because this devil Hun Sen through the evil Vietnam’s orders will cheat the election again and again and will use force if necessary to keep its puppet Hun Sen in power to finalize the Vietnamization of Cambodia.

Now, the CNRP has agreed to let this monster Hun Sen tied its hands before the fight.

In brief,


Respond to 9 March 2015 5:30 am

The author is wrong about walking out all 55 (63 in reality)CNRP MPs.
The national assembly formula 50+1 only to pass. CPP cheated their way 2013 to have 68 MPs. This is more than 50+1. Only if some CPP MPs and all 55 CNRP oppose that the election laws can be rejected. I am afraid it will pass no matter we like it or not.

I will need to read the Khmer constitution, but I wrote this by using common sense.

Normally, before adopting any laws, the National Assembly must require the presence of a certain numbers of its members, maybe 80% or 90% or 2/3 ( I am not sure, I need to read that constitution), not the 50+1.

Thank You,

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

Bun Thoeun, it is 50+1 formula.
Sam Rainsy party gotten 26 seats in 1998 and proposed to Hun Sen to change 2/3 to 50+1. It is a big mistakes. 50+1 so far worked in CPP favors thanks to Sam Rainsy. They only use 2/3 formula to change the constitution. This is what I learned. We Khmer always under estimate our neighbors intelligences and they always proved us wrong time after time. Us Khmer always gave our enemies chances after chances like this agreements and past agreements. We MUST change our way of thinking in order to have chance.

Anonymous said...

9 March 2015 3:37 pm

50+1 formula is the requirement to PASS the law.

But do you know, how many members of the parliament needed to be PRESENT at the National Assembly before they can vote and adopt the new law or amend the law?
The total is 123. How many must be present before they can cast the vote and adopt the law?

Anonymous said...

This is the moment that you fight back and do whatever you must do to stop this provision from materializing.
Good sir you keep whining about 'Cambodian must fight, Cambodian must this and that...bla...bla...bla' but never mentioned about what you yourself are going to do! You did well to ignite hatred and racism between Cambodian and Vietnamese good sir. But do you DARE to make an example!? Or you just sit comfortably behind your little keyboard and demand your people to cause chaos!?

The time for the CNRP to walk out of the National Assembly is NOW before the National Assembly passes that provision into law. The key is WITHOUT THE PRESENCE of the CNRP’s MPs, the National Assembly cannot pass that provision into law.

If CNRP boycott the National Assembly then it lose everything.


Anonymous said...

You guy make sense. I believe 123 MPs must be present in order the NA to be legal to start debating the laws to be voted on. CNRP must MPs must boycott if they believe this agreements is the death of Khmer hopes. Although I don't think those 55 CNRP MPs will boycott. They will follow party line. Their party leaderships had already agreed with CPP. I don't like many of the agreements but I still believe that it is still much better than no laws at all. Before this agreements CPP controlled the whole NEC panel. CPP set up election laws to favor them every election cloaking their illegal activities. Now Khmer peoples had 4 CNRP to agree or disagree on NEC panel plus 1 neutral NEC. Please Khmer brothers & sisters give it a chance. If most Khmer voted for CNRP even CPP can't hide the truths.

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

By Bun Thoeun wrote: Here are the strategies of the evil Vietnam and its puppet Hun Sen:

1- Try to win the election legally without cheating.
2- Sensing that it cannot win without cheating, it will cheat (fraudulent election).
3- If cheating and still not winning like in 2013, it will use force and will not give up the power.

Therefore, the CNRP must not make itself just a tool for the evil Vietnam and Hun Sen to swallow Cambodia legally.

Wrong. I will say CPP:

1- Try to win the election legally without cheating.
2- Sensing that it cannot win, it will pull out charges against CNRP leaders, put them to jail, then win the election by default.

CPP has CNRP leaders by the balls. CNRP is not electable. There is a saying, "Can't beat it, join it." So, CNRP is joining CPP to make some money. Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha will never relinquish their power in CNRP to new and better electable leaders. Without powers, the duo cannot make any bucks.

Mark my words, CPP will help CNRP to defend the two losers from any new and better leaders. It is to CPP's interest to keep the two current CNRP leaders who already had been documented for some crimes, ready to be sent to jail. New and clean CNRP leaders are night-mare for CPP.
