A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 7 March 2015

Hun Sen Forms Group to Oversee Bodyguards [Hun Sen is paranoid of his inner CPP rivals, so he is strengthening his private army]

Brigade 70, Hun Sen's private army unit is equipped with modern and heavy armory and the unit is staffed with over 2,000 well-trained personnel.

BY  | MARCH 6, 2015
Prime Minister Hun Sen last week appointed 14 high-ranking officials to a working group that is now responsible for overseeing his bodyguard unit during all events that he and his wife attend, the unit’s commander said Thursday.
General Hing Bun Heang, who leads the Prime Minister Bodyguard Unit (PMBU), said members of the working group had already been cooperating to protect the prime minister.
“Our forces have been doing this for a long time, but the decision was just officially issued,” he said.
Mr. Hun Sen signed the decision on February 26.
Gen. Bun Heang said the working group’s 14 members—including himself—would be expected to coordinate with one another to ensure the safety of the prime minister and his wife, Bun Rany.
“When…[they] go anywhere, we must go first to prepare the security there,” he said, adding that all members of the working group would be expected to be present when the PMBU is deployed.
“If we can’t go, we must appoint someone to go for us,” he added.

General You Sunlong, head of the working group and a secretary of state at the Public Function Ministry, could not be reached for comment.
In addition to Gen. Bun Heang and Gen. Sunlong, the group will also include Hun Manet, Mr. Hun Sen’s son and a lieutenant general in the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF).
According to a copy of the decision, the working group will “cooperate with all levels of authority…on security and safety to prevent problems and accidents during all events” attended by Mr. Hun Sen and Ms. Rany.
It also calls on all ministries and the Council of Ministers to liaise with the working group when planning events for the prime minister and his wife.
Mr. Hun Sen formed the PMBU from soldiers of Brigade 70, an elite RCAF unit that has been linked to assassinations, abuses of power and illegal logging syndicates. The bodyguard unit is regarded as the best-equipped combat unit in the country and numbers in the thousands.


Anonymous said...

ហា​ ហា ហា​ ឃើញជេរ ហ៊ុន សែន ច្រើនណាស់ពីមុន តែឥឡូវមើលចុះវាស្ងាត់ដូចចោរលួចសេះ ខំចែរសម្បើមណាស់ដល់ ហ៊ុន សែន មិនទៅណា បែរជានាំគ្នារត់បាត់អស់ មានតែខ្មែររូបនីយកម្ម ទេដែលមិនដែលឃើញខ្ជិល សុំសរសើណា ជិត២០ឆ្នាំមកហើយមិនដែល មានពេលឈប់ទេ ។

Anonymous said...

Krou Teay Tha Ah Kwack Hun Sen Trov Ngorp TaiHorng near the end of 2015. That's why he is so paranoid.

Anonymous said...

That is what the strong man should do to be able to control the country till his 90s.
However, Hun Sen Kwang, must follow these rule suggested by Bejing and Hanoi.
1. He must smash all his opponents (cnrp)
2. He must torture and kill all men around him (cpp) and rape the victim's wives.
3. Now it is time to prove that, Hun Kwang, is bullet proof and has double life, he should be naked and stand by the river side, stick his ass to the king's palace so the majesty....can read his ass out loud to send messages to world that, Hun Sen Kwang, is the king of the world and live forever. I am
Turboman... , and hope that you all who read my comments will loose your sex drive at list a couple of weeks. Read at your own risk and confirm to your poor wife to go to bed without sex for quite sometime because you have read a sex decrease comments. Be cool and have a wonderful weekend to you all Cambodians.

Anonymous said...


If you allow the CPP to integrate this provision - a draft bill on election law includes provisions about seat confiscation from parties who boycott first parliamentary sitting – into law, you will kill yourself and especially kill Cambodia because Khmer people depend on the CNRP to liberate Cambodia from this evil Vietnam.

This is the moment that you fight back and do whatever you must do to stop this provision from materializing.
The CNRP should learn how to make the “culture of dialogue” a 2 ways street. The CNRP must not let the CPP dictates the formation of the NEC. The CNRP must put its back against the wall, and fiercely fight back from here.

If you don’t want that provision (confiscate the seats) to go into law, this is the time that you WALK OUT of the National Assembly and openly denouncing this provision to the world. The timing to make the protest is so crucial, and this is the right time and may be the ONLY TIME that you can stop this provision from becoming law.

Does the CNRP have any provisions that effectively stop the CPP from cheating the election and forcing the CPP to give up the power after it lost the election?

Here are the strategies of the evil Vietnam and its puppet Hun Sen:

1- Try to win the election legally without cheating.

2- Sensing that it cannot win without cheating, it will cheat (fraudulent election).

3- If cheating and still not winning like in 2013, it will use force and will not give up the power.

Therefore, the CNRP must not make itself just a tool for the evil Vietnam and Hun Sen to swallow Cambodia legally.

The time for the CNRP to walk out of the National Assembly is NOW before the National Assembly passes that provision into law. The key is WITHOUT THE PRESENCE of the CNRP’s MPs, the National Assembly cannot pass that provision into law.

Bun Thoeun