A Change of Guard

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Monday, 9 March 2015

Cambodia releases details of new draft election law [A law that ties the opposition's hands behind their back]

Give our kids a better deal 
Photo/The Cambodia Herald

PHNOM PENH (Xinhua) -- Cambodia's ruling and opposition parties on Monday announced details of a draft election law, along with a draft law on the formation of a National Election Committee (NEC), before they are sent to the National Assembly for approval.

The two draft laws have been made by experts of the ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP) and the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) following a July agreement struck between Prime Minister Hun Sen and CNRP President Sam Rainsy that ended the opposition's 10-month boycott of parliament.
The laws are aimed at ensuring free and fair elections and preventing post-election deadlock in the future.
CNRP's senior official Eng Chhay Eang told seminar that in the next elections in 2018, the number of parliamentary seats will be increased to 125 from 123.
The electoral campaign will be reduced from 30 days to 21 days, he said, adding that civil society groups and foreigners are not allowed to conduct campaigns for any political parties.
 CPP's senior official Sek Bunhok said the new draft law also added rule that would see parties lose their seats for boycotting parliament after an election.  
"After the official results of election, any party, that wins one or more parliamentary seats but boycotts the parliament when the king convenes, will be deemed to have abandoned seats," he said.
According to the draft law, the NEC will comprise of nine members, including four from the CPP, four from the CNRP and an independent representative.
 "NEC members must have only Cambodian nationality," said CNRP's senior official Yem Ponharith, adding that the NEC president will be in the rank equaling to a deputy prime minister, NEC's deputy president with the rank of a senior minister, and NEC's members with the rank of ministers.
The NEC will have independent budget for its operations.
Cambodia holds national election in every five years. The last election was conducted on July 28, 2013.
The parliament comprises of 123 seats, including 68 from the CPP and 55 seats from the CNRP.


Anonymous said...

All cnrp are pervessive creatures , they love to make easy thing difficult. Right ? ..you work with cpp team for months and now you put all your effort for ngo to screw you..n?? Amazing idiot. .keep doing what you had dud that how animal way of life. .. those ngo crap they work hard for salary not for khmer nationalist crap. ..... aren't they. .? And why I call sok svar because he allway do monkey business. .no direction, no plans. No discipline to achieve anything. ..it just St a pure monkey idiot. ..aren't he.. ? Let me make it clear to you kem is crook a supeeeeeeeeeer dumb. ...he kem sok svar is a super duuuuuuumbbbbbbb...now am i make it clear to you? ..Mike

Anonymous said...

Cambodia is not srok svar. We had a very bad civil war for over 3 decades. We Khmer are doing things different now " DIALOGUES NOT CONFRONTATIONS WITH GUNS" Weather you like it or not this will be the laws of the land from now on.

CPP will always tries to cheat, intimidated, or even murder political activists in any ways they can. Even CNRP will cheats too if they can except that we can't because those corrupted armed forces are all CPP loyalists. Every political party in the world will try to cheat small or big. CNRP just had to keep a close eyes on CPP manuavers. This agreements are not in CNRP favors but still better before 2013 election and previous. The negotiations going for months under the threats of CPP go back to old systems because military, court, constitutional councils, puppet king are all on CPP side. All I can say we CNRP will never give up until we run government. WIN 2018 to silence all critics. Give it a chance before crying.

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

CNRP will not win in 2018. CPP will win either by votes or by default.

If CPP cannot win by votes, CPP will pull out charges against CNRP leaders who were documented for causing garment sector dropped in 2014. CPP's case is very strong and has the support from both business and political communities in the world.

CNRP is simply not electable. They have been proven to be racist and trouble makers. As of now, several CNRP leaders are still in jail, denied for bail. And yet, no International group intervened on their behalf.

CNRP are totally losers.
