A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 15 February 2015

Van Sam Oeun defected to the CPP after he had a 3-hour meeting with Hun Sen

វ៉ាន់ សំអេឿម នេះមិនមែនមនុស្សអស្ចារបស់បក្យ សង្រ្គោះជាតិនោះទេ ដូច្នេះការបាត់បង់បុគ្គលអបលក្ខណ៍មួយនេះគឺជាការល្អ។
( Seatte,WA)

According to Eng Ratanak, son of opposition MP Eng Chhai Eang, Mr. Van Sam Oeun, the opposition MP from Kampot, has decided to defect to the CPP, claiming he can't fulfill his duties while serving as opposition MP. Ratanak claimed that Van Sam Oeun met Mr. Hun Sen for 3 hours through the Interior Ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak before he decided to defect. According to Ratanak, the wife of Mr. Van Sam Oeun and the wife of Mr. Khieu Sopheak were related by blood.

Mr. Van Sam Oeun is from the USA and became a CNRP MP from the Human Rights Party's quota.


Anonymous said...

he utterly betrays his own principles and love his wife's pussy better. I wonder there is a trade off between his wife and him that he can have mistresses and he would otherwise defect to cpp. What a asshole. I hope your wife let you have enough pussy.

Anonymous said...

I guess you can not serve the people as NCRP's MP ,but you can rob people as cpp's crony. Shit head.

Anonymous said...

The evil evil Vietnam has been able to control Cambodia because of some Khmers such as Ah Kwack Hun Sen and this asshole Van Sam Oeun behave like dog.

These scumbags stoop even lower than dogs.

93 years old woman

Anonymous said...

សាមអឿន ថាជួយសង្រ្គោះជាតិ តែនៅយួរទៅ យល់ថាសម្លរ ម្ជូយួនឆ្ងាញ់ បានជាធ្វើអញ្ចឹងនោះ ពេលស្បថស្បែ គឺគ្រាន់តែថាទេតើ គ្មានស្អីមកកាច់ ឯណា កុុំភ្លើវើយជាមួយម្ជូយួនអស្ចារ្យណាស់ ហា ហា សើចលេងទៅ ព្រោះឃើញមេ សង្រ្គោះជាតិ ទៅរែកទឹកស្រោចស្ពៃទៅហើយ ដូច្នេះកូនចៅឃើញដូច្នោះវាអស់សង្ឃឹមណា ព្រោះសាមអឿនមិនចង់រែកទឹកដាំស្ពៃទេ។

Anonymous said...

I don't believe he sold his head to hun sen for dollares<before I thought he a good one for khmer people.

Kim Ea said...

Money, power,fame, can buy everything in this world . The guy who proclaim he is a patriot, loving the country and sacrifice soul and spirit for people,will sale his mind, spirit shamelessly and bow his head under the feet of dictatorship slave like this just for money and power ?. The opportunists, money mongering exist everywhere, when amount of money is right . Khmer people are distrusting of any political parties,from any shape or form, they work for money and power than work to help your cause, for that reason our country still bearing more unsustainable condition and more critical menace from dictatorship regime with ton of money. Opportunist fake as a patriot, event they know well that all, this dirty money earning came from deep disparity corruption, can devastate and destroyed the spirit, or dedication of their political parties group, but they still careless . Khmer who born with this kind of ambition in their mind is hard to change event the high educate one, before they can get to the power,and fame they act as a real patriot, work diligently for the interest of people, but when they reach to the source of money they will completely switch with no remorseful and start to forget all their promise, they raise hand and swear to up hold their duty to serve,or work hard for interest of people . Did patriotism just existed in the mouth of the political mankind only ?

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing that this money hungry, traitor, mold switch side before he can do a lots more damage to the only hope CNRP Khmer peoples still have left.

Don't be alarm. The CPP still have more spies within our party. We also have spies inside CPP.

CPP will surely loose in 2018 if they not able to cheat like last time. All MP have to do are to go to Khmer peoples often to explaining things when CPP/Youn fake something to discredit CNRP. CNRP must see constituents more often to keep them current update good or bad. You know CPP/Youn will try every tricks in the book. DON'T BE PANIC CNRP WILL TRIUMP. IF WE PANIC FOR EVRY LITTLE THING WE WILL LOOSE. CALM DOWN.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hy van sam oeun,I just seen you doing good for a short time and now you are becoming a devil again .

Anonymous said...

Just another useless human to become a dog instate!

Anonymous said...

He give up Donut maker to become congress.