A Change of Guard

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Monday, 9 February 2015

Ruling Party Appoints Three New Party Spokesmen [It shows how stupid the CPP is because these CPP spokesmen are hated by the voters!]

Watch a video of Chim Phalvirun being being chased by the voters. 
Watch a video of Suos Yara being chased by monks and land-grab victims.

BY  | FEBRUARY 7, 2015
A week after holding its first congress since the July 2013 national election, the ruling CPP has appointed three new spokesmen in order to better communicate with the public, Deputy Prime Minister Bin Chhin said Friday.
Mr. Chhin, a member of the CPP’s standing committee, said the new spokesmen were ruling party lawmakers Sok Eysan and Suos Yara along with Chhim Phal Virun, a political commentator who appears frequently on government-aligned television networks. 
“Spokesmen were appointed because when somebody asks a question, we don’t want CPP officials to just say this or that,” Mr. Chhin said following an electoral re­form meeting at the National Assembly. Mr. Eysan confirmed his appointment.
“In short, I will not be closed-minded when talking to the media. It means I can tell everything I know,” he said.

The party’s last official spokesman was Information Minister Khieu Kanharith, who admitted in November that the party was moving slowly in its efforts to find a replacement.
“The problem is to find somebody joyfully accepting this post,” he said at the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Three astute spokesmen or three stupid spokesmen. the latter is most likely the case. Let them bring it on and they will be judged accordingly.