A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 5 February 2015

GMAC calls for law enforcement to ensure garment sector stability

Give our kids a better deal 
Kaing Monika, GMAC deputy secretary general, spoke at a news conference on Wednesday 4 February, 2015.

PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) -- The Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) has called on all trade unionists to respect the law and halt violence if they want stability in Cambodia's garment sector. 
The appeal was made after one of the union leader led strike outside Apsara Garment Co., Ltd, prompting the factory to halt its process. 
Seang Rithy, President of Cambodia Labour Solidarity Union Federation, was arrested Wednesday and sent to a police station after he led protests for four days from 30-31 Jan. and from 3-4 Feb. at Apsara garment factory in Phnom Penh's Por Sen Chey district. 
After his arrest, police seized 51 bamboo sticks hidden in the trunk of his car. Seang Rithy will be questioned by the court today. 
Speaking Wednesday at a news conference, Kaing Monika, GMAC deputy secretary general,  said that the strike led by Seang Rithy was not a good option to find solution, but such act of violence caused difficulty to entire industrial sector and destroy the fate of the garment sector. 
"GMAC would like to reiterate its position that it respects workers' rights as well as rights of protests, but it has to implement the rights in accordance with the law," he told the conference. 
"GMAC fully supports Apsara garment factory both legal action and spirit in solving labor dispute for workers as it hasn't fulfilled legal obligation for workers," Monika said.

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