A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Court to hear appeal from protesters, monk

Eleven activists arrested in November and swiftly sentenced to a year in prison will have their appeals for release heard on January 22, a lawyer representing a number of them said yesterday.
Sam Sokunthea, a defence lawyer for seven women from Boeung Kak arrested on November 10 for using a bed to block Monivong Boulevard outside City Hall, said she was optimistic about the upcoming hearing.
"I strongly believe the Appeal Court will release my clients and drop the charges because they have not attempted to [interfere] with traffic as the authorities and Phnom Penh Municipal Court accused them," she said.

Four others – three activists and a monk – were arrested outside the women's trial on November 11 and themselves sentenced to one year in prison a day later. Their appeal against charges of inciting violence against a
public authority will also be heard.

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