A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Police robbing the people ប៉ូលិសចោរប្លន់វាយបុរសម្នាក់យកលុយ

Watch more here about police robbing the people. គាត់


Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment

Even a Khmer Prime Minister still love to fuck my Vietnamese woman's pussy, Bun Ranny Hun Sen

This means my Vietnamese's pussies reign vastly superior than the Khmer's pussies

The Khmer's pussies are rancid like the fish paste


Anonymous said...

នេះគឺជា អសមត្ថភាព របស់រដ្ឋាភិបាល ហ៊ុនសែន នោះទេ។

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

While Vietnamese army was stationing in Cambodia during 1979 - 1989, none of the problems with Cambodian police's abuse against people happened. Vietnamese army will protect the Cambodian civilians.

Problem only started to happen when the Vietnamese withdrew. Cambodian civilians were crying and begging for the Vietnamese army to stay. They knew the other Khmer will abuse them when the Vietnamese left.


Anonymous said...

Your vietnamese pussy is used and abused by all

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment

If Khmer people want to fuck my mother, they should fuck her at the grave at the northern Vietnam

Her corpse body is only semi-putrefied

By the way, you don't need to smell my mother's pussy; it will smell like Cambodian King mother Monique


Anonymous said...


Mark this in your shitty head, SOB
The Vietnamese did not kill a few Khmer like in robberies.
They make Khmer killing Khmer by the hundred of thousand through K5 plan alone.

Anonymous said...

Been there done that.

Anonymous said...

Past is the past drgunzet. Whats wrong. Did i say something to upset you. Boo fucken hoo. You say you were raised by germans. Well act like it. You are only embarrassing yourself and an embarrassment to them.your mum sucked a good dick

Anonymous said...

Drgunzet @8:40 pm said:

“If Khmer people want to fuck my mother, they should fuck her at the grave at the northern Vietnam.”
Reread all comments from the top, did anybody mention anything about wanting to fuck your dead mother, crazy motherf**ker?

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Well see, I told you: Khmer race is the worst race in the world. This is way Vietnamese must control Khmer in order to keep peace.

Khmer go nuts often and murder everyone around them including other Khmer. So, Vietnamese forbid that and put a stop to all the murdering. When Vietnamese withdraw, the Khmer start to rape each other, rob, steal and kill again.

Is it time for another liberation to save the few good Khmer left? Vietnam army is superior and can crush Cambodia very quickly.


Kmenhwatt said...

Are you talking about your mama's PuzC? Was she smells like gnouc mum made on the stolen island called Koh tral? I knew your mama real well she was raped in the jungle by gooks happen to be your unknown father.Your mama's PuzC was nasty thatwise gooks dumped her let raised you by herself alone!

Look for the cops whose robed these kinds and prosecute them,put camera to capture the criminals who robs innocent Khmer folks.Who's wants to lives in ah kwaq Hun's dies-nasty!?