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Xmer people in Cambodia |
RE: Google: Cambodia lost land to Vietnam 35Km2
'ហ៊ុន សែន ហ៊ានប្តឹង Google ទេ? បើថាគេនិយាយខុសនោះ។ ហើយបើគ្រាន់ណាស់ម្តេចមិនប្តឹងទៅ ស្រួលគេថា យួនយកដីតែទៅប្តឹង តែបែរទៅប្តឹងអ្នកថា។ លោកអើយមើលចុះ ខំអរទៅព្រោះគេប្រាប់ មិនមែនទឹកដីរបស់Googleទេ តែធ្វើម្តេច បើអស់លោក ក្បាលយួនខ្លួនខ្មែរទៅហើយ រួយមើលចុះនៅក្នុងរដ្ឋាភិបាលវិញ ខ្លួនយួន ឈ្មោះខ្មែរ រាប់មិនអស់ទៅហើយ មានខ្លះកាន់កៅអីពីរ បីផង ហើយសូមបីតែហង្សមាស ទូរទស្សន៍និយាយថាយួន ក៍សុំទោសយួនញាប់មាត់ដែរ ប៉ុណ្នឹងហើយនៅអ៊ួតថាមិនខ្ញុំយួនទៀត គឺវាចប់ហើយអស់លោកអើយ ថាយួនយកខ្មែរក្រោម តែខ្មែរលើយួនគេធ្វើអីតាមចិត្តទៅហើយ នោះគឺយួនឥតយកទេឬ? ក្រសួងណាក៍មានយួនឈ្មោះខ្មែរដែរ ហើយគេថាស្រុកនេះជាស្រុរបស់គេ រួចគេមិនទៅណាដាច់ខាត ហា ហា ហា និយាយវាមិនចេញទៀតណា'
Khmerization reader
I hope Hun Sen will sue google to clear his name from this accusation if not This report is true and i think what google said was true.
អ្នកឯងនិយាយនេះដូចត្រូវ តែបើ ហ៊ុន សែន ដឺងច្បាស់ជា៣ជើងរាប់មួយហើយ មិនស្រួលថាក្បត់ជាតិទៀតមើលទៅ ព្រោះអ្នកជាប់គុកនៅព្រៃស សុទ្ធតែអ្នកនិយាយច្រើននោះឯង ឃើញទេលោកដុតទង់ជៃយួន វាយ៉ាងណា នេះហើយ កម្ពុជាអៈឆៈរយៈណា កុំជោ ឃើញទេ?
Gentlement, i present you Drushit's paternal parents.
(Drushit is actually much uglier than his paternal parents)
Dear compatriots,
Ah Kwack Hun Sen and Ah Svar Kim Hong said that Cambodia will not lose its territory even one millimeter to Vietnam with their new border posts.
That is true because we did not lose 1mm but we lost 35 Kilometers.
Furthermore, the 99 years land concession to the evil Vietnam, plus several millions of illegal Yuon inside Cambodia have undeniably posed a threat to Cambodia’s existence.
The new finding of the Vietnamization of Cambodia through the kind of "Thong Sarath" deep inside the Yuon slave's government of Hun Sen should be a wake up call to Khmer people.
In the past, we just only heard that Vietnam controlled Cambodia through its hidden agents. Now, we have the proof: Thong Sarath, Keo Sary, etc… And how many thousands or hundred thousands of “Thong Sarath” who are currently holding important and sensitive positions inside the Hun Sen‘s government?
Therefore, the policemen and the soldiers who had violently hit and struck Khmer people and the monks must be these hidden Vietnamese agents.
Do we have a clue now, who killed most of the Khmer people during the Pol Pot era? This evil Vietnam was the real killers of Khmer people during the Pol Pot era through its brainwashed Khmer VietMinh.
93 years old woman
Ah Hun Sen,
If you awake and denounce Vietnam's dominance over Cambodia through you to the world, I will call you my hero. Other Khmer people will call you their hero too.
People hate you for a reason: you've committed act of treason against your country.
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