A Change of Guard

សូមស្តាប់វិទ្យុសង្គ្រោះជាតិ Please read more Khmer news and listen to CNRP Radio at National Rescue Party. សូមស្តាប់វីទ្យុខ្មែរប៉ុស្តិ៍/Khmer Post Radio.
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Monday, 8 December 2014

Google: Cambodia lost land to Vietnam 35Km2 [Google បាននិយាយថាខ្មែរបាតទឹកដី៣៥គីឡូម៉ែត្រការ៉េទៅប្រទេសយួន]

A must watch. Google has pointed out to the actual size of land lost, 35km to Vietnam. The new shape and actual map of Cambodia shown on google did reflect that sad reality.សូមជូនផងដែរនូវវីដេអូមួយនេះថតនៅកោះត្រល់កាលពីឆ្នាំទៅ ៖ Google បាននិយាយថាខ្មែរបាតទឹកដី


Anonymous said...

How about your guy claimed youn encroaching khmer land 100 meters a day. ?. Amazing you guy are very good cheater and excellent followers. Dumb cnrp are great and rampant in cheating each other. ... kem and Raincy made up everything how you guy believed thes two cheater. ..it must be a dumb trouble maker who pushing khmer into chaos every 15 years. Isn't it's right? .


Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Cambodia lost 35 Km2. But Vietnam did not gain 35 Km2. Dumb Khmer, listen up. Cambodia lost land because of the illegal sand dredging.

I have posted a few times before, Singapore has expanded their island nation by hundreds of Km2.

Are you this stupid Khmer?


Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment

Khmer women never shave their pussies before sex

My Vietnamese women always smell fresh pussies whenever I have sex with them, very fresh, and soft like my pillow


Anonymous said...

You Viet gook pussy very stinky and dont have a fk ass very ugly in Orange county Ca I fk alot of Viet gook very nasty and uglies peoples

Anonymous said...

Ah Kwack Hun Sen and Ah Svar Kim Hong said, Cambodia will not lose its territory even a millimeter.

That is true because we did not lose 1mm but lost 35 Kilometers.

Furthermore, the 99 years land concession to the evil Vietnam, plus several millions of Yuon inside Cambodia have undeniably posed a threat to Cambodia’s existence.

The Vietnamization of Cambodia through thousands of "Thong Sarath" deep inside the Yuon slave's government should be a wake up call to Khmer people.

In the past, we just only heard that Vietnam controlled Cambodia through its hidden agents. Now, we have the proof: Thong Sarath, Keo Sary, etc… And how many thousands or hundred thousands of “Thong Sarath” inside the worst Traitor Hun Sen‘s government?

Therefore, the policemen and the soldiers who had violently hit and struck Khmer people and the monks must be stemmed from these hidden Vietnam agents.

Do we have a clue now, who killed most of the Khmer people during the Pol Pot era? This evil Vietnam was the real killers of Khmer people during the Pol Pot era through its brainwashed Khmer VietMinh.

93 years old woman

Anonymous said...

Kill ah sva monkey sva Kim Hong now that mfker not khmer that idiots is Youn

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment

93 years old woman,

Your pussy is too elastic like my rubber band

I prefer to fuck my beautiful Vietnamese woman instead


Anonymous said...

ហ៊ុន សែន ហ៊ានប្តឹង Google ទេ? បើថាគេនិយាយខុសនោះ។ហើយបើគ្រាន់ណាស់ម្តេចមិនប្តឹងទៅ ស្រួលគេថា យួនយកដីតែទៅប្តឹង តែបែរទៅប្តឹងអ្នកថា។ លោកអើយមើលចុះ ខំអរទៅព្រោះគេប្រាប់ មិនមែនទឹកដីរបស់Googleទេ តែធ្វើម្តេច បើអស់លោក ក្បាលយួនខ្លួនខ្មែរទៅហើយ រួយមើលចុះនៅក្នុងរដ្ឋាភិបាលវិញ ខ្លួនយួន ឈ្មោះខ្មែរ រាប់មិនអស់ទៅហើយ មានខ្លះកាន់កៅអីពីរ បីផង ហើយសូមបីតែហង្សមាស ទូរទស្សន៍និយាយថាយួន ក៍សុំទោសយួនញាប់មាត់ដែរ ប៉ុណ្នឹងហើយនៅអ៊ួតថាមិនខ្ញុំយួនទៀត គឺវាចប់ហើយអស់លោកអើយ ថាយួនយកខ្មែរក្រោម តែខ្មែរលើយួនគេធ្វើអីតាមចិត្តទៅហើយ នោះគឺយួនឥតយកទេឬ? ក្រសួងណាក៍មានយួនឈ្មោះខ្មែរដែរ ហើយគេថាស្រុកនេះជាស្រុរបស់គេ រួចគេមិនទៅណាដាច់ខាត ហា ហា ហា និយាយវាមិនចេញទៀតណា

Anonymous said...

The whole world leader are protecting their border but only one leader in Cambodia call Dek Jo Hun sen said Under his power no one can take 1mm land . It's great but YOUN can take more than 1mm is OK. He's a great leader isn't it? that why he have power over 30+ .You can't find great leader like this ever.Ha Ha Ha

Kmenhwatt said...

Hey,super idiot (DrunkenZ) were real name was Jeff Mudrick the bumb that lived in Phnom Penh bragging on his profile as a Dr or Psychiatrist from United States? Folks,Jeff Mudrick and DrunkenZ sound the same,he loves to insult Khmer from clothes,cultures,tradition,foods etc. But still stay on the land /country that he hated,these two idiots maybe the same creature!

Kmenhwatt said...

Yep, under Dechjo kwaq Sen all Khmer can't have/own guns but yuon and his clans can own multiples of guns.He ah( kwaq) said Khmer didn't lost land to yuon but he forced ah Sdach Kteuy to signed 2005 treaty given Koh tral to Hanoi his boss.

Kmenhwatt said...

I'd preferred your dark skin's mama to having sexsul intercorse with because I hate pale light skin tone that look like dead fish float on Tunle Sap when I turn my light switch on.Oh by the way,your mama gave you up becsuse you're light pale skin that she though you were dead.She also hated the rapists whose raped her that produced you-DrunkenZ!..you're the offspring the RAPIST...

Kmenhwatt said...

Right,your cock is tooooo elastic can't do anything thatwise, you're a lone stress out trolling on line bragging about the accomplishment in which I didn't achieve from any school,you're unemployed loser lonely-gook!..

Anonymous said...

Drgunzet your vietnamese hoes pussy smells like fish sauce. Nothing wrong with hairy pussy. The only thing wrong is you doing your own mama.but i suppose in a vietnamese society that is normal. Thats why majority or vietnamese men are butt ugly with chinky eyes and ugly skin.

Anonymous said...

Your viet dick is no bigger than a 2 year olds honestly. The only pussy u get is from your mum.normally the ones who have to brag about getting pussy are the ones getting none. So why dont you stick to mrs palmer and her 5 daughters.

Anonymous said...

Dear compatriots,

Ah Kwack Hun Sen and Ah Svar Kim Hong said that Cambodia will not lose its territory even one millimeter to Vietnam with their new border posts.

That is true because we did not lose 1mm but we lost 35 Kilometers.

Furthermore, the 99 years land concession to the evil Vietnam, plus several millions of illegal Yuon inside Cambodia have undeniably posed a threat to Cambodia’s existence.

The new finding of the Vietnamization of Cambodia through the kind of "Thong Sarath" deep inside the Yuon slave's government of Hun Sen should be a wake up call to Khmer people.

In the past, we just only heard that Vietnam controlled Cambodia through its hidden agents. Now, we have the proof: Thong Sarath, Keo Sary, etc… And how many thousands or hundred thousands of “Thong Sarath” who are currently holding important and sensitive positions inside the Hun Sen‘s government?

Therefore, the policemen and the soldiers who had violently hit and struck Khmer people and the monks must be these hidden Vietnamese agents.

Do we have a clue now, who killed most of the Khmer people during the Pol Pot era? This evil Vietnam was the real killers of Khmer people during the Pol Pot era through its brainwashed Khmer VietMinh.

93 years old woman


Ah Hun Sen,

If you awake and denounce Vietnam's dominance over Cambodia through you to the world, I will call you my hero. Other Khmer people will call you their hero too.
People hate you for a reason: you've committed act of treason against your country.

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Ok, you folks don't like Vietnam's dominance over Cambodia. So, the real question here is: How can Vietnam help Cambodia without the domination?

You folks are stubborn, stupid and won't listen. The polices have to give some batons on your heads to get your compliance.

If you are nice and obedience then Vietnam will not have to dominate you. It's your fault, stop making trouble.


Anonymous said...

To -Drgunzet- [8 December 2014 5:32 pm]:

Give me a baton so that I hit your head to make sure you talk or write properly.

I think you have been eaten too much meat of innocent dogs and cats.

You sound like a mentally ill person who does not feel or sense as a human being. You think like you are trying to kill someone to steal the food to eat.

That is just the way you talk, showing your stupidity and mental illness.

You are a very sick Vietnamese/Yuon killer.

Khmer Yoeurng

Anonymous said...

Dear compatriots,

Ah Kwack Hun Sen and Ah Svar Kim Hong said that Cambodia will not lose its territory even one millimeter to Vietnam with their new border posts.

That is true because we did not lose 1mm but we lost 35 Kilometers.

Furthermore, the 99 years land concession to the evil Vietnam, plus several millions of illegal Yuon inside Cambodia have undeniably posed a threat to Cambodia’s existence.

The new finding of the Vietnamization of Cambodia through the kind of "Thong Sarath" deep inside the Yuon slave's government of Hun Sen should be a wake up call to Khmer people.

In the past, we just only heard that Vietnam controlled Cambodia through its hidden agents. Now, we have the proof: Thong Sarath, Keo Sary, etc… And how many thousands or hundred thousands of “Thong Sarath” who are currently holding important and sensitive positions inside the Hun Sen‘s government?

Therefore, the policemen and the soldiers who had violently hit and struck Khmer people and the monks must be these hidden Vietnamese agents.

Do we have a clue now, who killed most of the Khmer people during the Pol Pot era? This evil Vietnam was the real killers of Khmer people during the Pol Pot era through its brainwashed Khmer VietMinh.

93 years old woman


Ah Hun Sen,

If you awake and denounce Vietnam's colonialism over Cambodia through you to the world, I will call you my hero. Other Khmer people will call you their hero too.
People hate you for a reason: you've committed act of treason against your country.

Anonymous said...

Drgunshit..fucking your own mom is not good thing..an eat dog an cats.so. put a dick in your mouth an shut the fuck up..

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Khmer must make it clear: Vietnam was given Phu Quoc island by the Ming Chinese. Vietnam never took the island from Cambodia. If you have an issue, settle the issue with the Ming Chinese.

Meanwhile, stop being greedy. Vietnam is developing Phu Quoc island nicely. In the next 20 years, it will become a very nice resort island, easily rivaling Thailand's Phuket island.

Each year, Vietnam consumes 55 million tons of cement for constructions wile Cambodia only consumes 3 million tons. So, Vietnam's development activity is almost 20 times of Cambodia! 20 times!

Vietnam's population is only 6 times over Cambodia yet, the development rate is almost 20 times over! Wow, obviously the Vietnamese are superior.


Anonymous said...

-Drgunzet- [9 December 2014 11:39 am]

Hey Vietnamese poster,

You "-Drgunzet-" as Khmerization Admin who controls and manages Khmerization blogging site - copy and pasted after someone has written for you,

Looking at your comment of the date and time 9 December 2014 11:39 am, it is how the Vietnamese or Yuon folks like you "-Drgunzet-" talk or write like that in general to brainwash any readers, friends or public, right?

Be careful and be aware that we will do something without being afraid in Universities across the world and make noise in order to be heard that anywhere such as at the Viet/Yuon Pho Restaurants in the U.S., Canada, or/and European continent to expose the ways and how the Vietnamese/Yuon folks like you lie, create controversial statements without proper educations of history - Vietnamese or Yuon folks did not or never had the country like before, but stole the land from China "Northern Vietnam," Champa "Central Vietnam" and Khmer Kampuchea Krom/Southern Cambodia "Southern Vietnam." These will put a shame to your Vietnamese folks and government around the world.

So, don't forget about that.

I heard about the Vietnamese woman who is a girlfriend of my American friend's friend who has made the controversial statement about Cambodian people and history by lying and brainwashing her American boyfriend. She [Yuon/Vietnamese] has impressed her boyfriend. I hope someday her American boyfriend will broke up with her because She [Yuon/Vietnamese] is so pushy, disgusted and outrageous.

I am sure Americans, Canadian, Japaneses, South Koreans, Europeans and Africans will hate or dislike the ways the Vietnamese folks like you "
-Drgunzet-" brag too much about evil Vietnam or Yuon, the land of national thieves in the world.

There are many of Yuon/Vietnameser folks talking like that as you "-Drgunzet-"

Khmer Yoeurng

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Hey Khmer, you still want to fight me? No truce?

I'll give you a fight.

Oh my God, look at the images on Google Image search. There are hundreds and hundreds of pictures showing thousands and thousands of human skulls, bones stacked high on displays in Cambodia.

Click here if you dare to see the truth:

I am going to expose the troublesome Khmer race to the world.


Anonymous said...

To Vietnamese parasite @-Drgunzet- [9 December 2014 1:10 pm]

Sure, why not? We can do that. Your IP address will point out your location and I will let my member watch you there. Good luck. Don't you dare? We have a very good good software apps to spot you and your location.

LOL. This idiot has no clue and don't know what he has been talking about.

Member of Khmer Yoeurng

Anonymous said...

smells like School of Vice from KI helps this Viet/Youn parasite'-Drgunzet-' posting the new everyday

Thanks Member of Khmer Yoeurng for understanding the real issues

Each time this parasite'-Drgunzet-', known as Kalonh Chuck, has been badly criticized by Khmers, School of Vice steps in to post "Golden Memories" to help eased the criticism

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Hey Khmer liars, I am a Computer Expert. Please don't insult my intelligence.

Google's Blogspot service do not provide IP address information to the blog owner. You have to petition and build a case to ask Google for such information.

And I avoid clicking on any link in Khmer writing. You cannot run anything on my computer.

So, I don't see how your software can figure out my IP without asking Google to supply such information.

Oh man, Khmer folks are pathetic and low. You folks are desperate and resort to cheat, lie, personal attacks, threat, scare, all kind of lows.

Really, explain me. If you convince me of your Khmer technology, I will quit posting on this blog. lol....


P.S. Years ago, I used to compete Internationally on Computer Science, raked in so much honor for my school and home state. I competed twice and was the team captain in the second year. That was a record breaking for my school.

I was born very gifted with photographic memory and learning speed of 10-100X. I studied 10-16 hours a day, 7 days a week in High School and broke so many records, sometime by 100%.

My teachers told me, "You have been the only known student in our school's history to have the privilege of sleeping in the class." I felt asleep in class twice and was allowed to sleep through the class period.

Anonymous said...

"Seeing is Believing"--ME

School of Vice: My Blogs

1. Khmer Circle

2. KI Media

3. Khmerization

School of Vice and parasite '-Drgunzet-' unknown as Kalonh Chuck, are the best friends/old timers

Anonymous said...

Your such a dreamer no teacher would allow any student to sleep at any school.

Anonymous said...

9 December 2014 2:52 pm [-Drgunzet-}

Show me how you program IP that tracks on you network, what computer language? Then, I will explain to you, Vietnamese dog eating boy. I guess there are plenty of information on internet and you may steal and copy the ideas from Google, Vietnamese bullshitter! LOL

Khmer Yoeurng

Anonymous said...

To Vietcong dog eating boy @9 December 2014 2:52 pm [-Drgunzet-]:

It is funny this guy [-Drgunzet-] has been feeling very comfortable to post the comments with blah blah blah about himself about being different kinds of creatures who are smart. I think this guy [-Drgunzet-] has a mental illness by looking at his comments, making other thinks that he is a just robotic person who collect the text or article and copy and paste with his own words to insult Khmer people in general. What is the world that matter with this Viet/Yuon guy [-Drgunzet-] who is not well educated by not taking courses called Psychology, Humanity, and Sociology. He said he studied computer science. He must be so stupid and dumb when he talked like. He got caught with what he said.

Hey you [-Drgunzet-], you must have a mental illness. I think you are so sick because you want to steal Cambodia land so bad and you want toe world admire your bullshitting story and fake history about the land of thieves, Vietnam. My God, what is the problem with this dumb Yuon/Viet guy named [-Drgunzet-].

If you have already taken the courses such Psychology, Humanity and other Liberal Art courses in the Computer Science major, why did you talk shitty like that? LOL.

Funny, this Yuon/Viet guy [-Drgunzet-] needs to be taught how to say properly and he is supposed to be well educated. He must stop copying, pasting, doing Google search engine to bring some good written essays (from someone else), remembering the words (he repeated many times to store in his brain, and so on. I know what you are doing to make you be so smart, but fail to explain what we need to know from you and that you need to prove that Vietnam has a fake history and because Vietnam is an evil Communist country combined the stolen lands from China, Champa and Khmer/Cambodia.

I don't take it person from this dumb Yuon/Viet guy [-Drgunzet-] who brags too much. I don't have time to pay attention to this Yuon/Vietnam parasite.

Khmer Yoeurng

Anonymous said...

Kmenhwatt licks 93 years old woman's smelly pussy while the old lady sucks Khmer Yoeurng!

By the way, you are crazy & stupid to think that Drgunzet is the same guy as Jeff Mudrick.

Anonymous said...

Beyond the family, Khmer's don't trust each other. Khmer Buddhism is becoming irrelevant. We have little that unifies them except for hatred of the Yuon. It is not a winning scenario.

Education is the key to change Khmer ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Khmer Yoeurng claimed that Khmer people have software which could track my IP address then get to me. Basically he is making a fake threat to scare me off from exposing the bad deeds going on in the Khmer society.

I made a counter-claim against him: Google's Blogspot service does not provide the IP address to the blog admin. Khmer blog owners/admins do not have access to IP address unless they petition to Google to track then provide IP address to them. Further more, I am cautious and will not click on any link outside of the Google's frame work. Khmer folks cannot run anything on my computer.

I also took precaution to disable all plug-in, Javascript auto-run.

I am an expert in Computer Science. When I was a teenager, I used to represent my school in International Computer competition twice in 11th and 12th grades.

So, Khmer cannot make fake threats against me. I ask Khmer Yoeurng to explain to me how can his Khmer software can track my IP address.

He has not explained how but is now playing a game and demanding me to explain more, prove this and prove that.

All I see is: Khmer race is a fake race, untalented, full of lies and deceits.

Prove me wrong. I talk straight with German superiority/honor.


Anonymous said...

Young ignorance Cambodian today love to blame Vietnam for Cambodia genocide but none of them can prove it nor give sources, evidences...

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

So, while the Khmer extremists blatantly blame Vietnam for the Cambodian genocide, the same people also rampantly incite for the genocide spirit of "Kap Youn" (chopping, butchering) the Vietnamese.

If you read the Phnom Penh Post's police blog, you can see rampant of chopping, cleaver attacks, killing going on in Cambodia. It's Khmer race's nature to be murderous and barbaric.

There is no other race in the world exhibit this behavior. Common sense tells me that the International folks will not listen to Khmer's lies. All of the Whitey forums are actually anti-Khmer. I have not found one Whitey forum which is pro-Khmer.

Khmer is a very sick race. Khmer really need to improve.


Anonymous said...

You are full of shit drgunzet. Look at ISIS they have little kids holdings guns and peoples heads so shut the fuck up and stop being a racist cunt. Its people like you that fuck this world up. You dont represent germany or what ever country your from. Have a good look at yourself. You are most likely a fob. But you probably dont know what one is because you are a dumb cunt who only knows how to spread hate. The vietnamese are not sick people nor are the khmer. Its the people with your rotting thinking and attitude.

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment.

Evil Khmer, you don't know ISIS, you have nothing to do with those people. So, you offer to kill people such as ISIS so that you gain favor over Koh Tral and then ask other to kill for you.

Look at the CNRP's Youth. 50 of them offered to fight (and kill) ISIS in exchange for help to fight for Koh Tral.

See, Khmer people are willing to kill other who they never met, far away and have nothing to do with the Khmer. You are killers, butchers.

What a sick race!

This is how I see the Khmer: "I kill for you, you kill for me." What a murderous race.


Anonymous said...

As i said before. i have people in my area attempting to chop strangers and kidnap strangers just to behead them on video to show the world. it has something to do with me if it effects my living and safety.It is wrong to brain wash the youth to kill others. Obviously you have issues if you think it is fine to have 3 year olds holding dead peoples heads and guns. What those 50 kids want to do to fight ISIS is stupid no doubt.you make to many generalisations. I will agree on one thing. Alot of the khmer in cambodia are uneducated and arent very smart and tend to be like cave men. I am a khmer myself thats how i see it. The khmer where in my area are nothing like that. We are alot more educated as we grew up with the westerners. I am not looking down on the khmer in cambodia but it is true.

Anonymous said...

You Can Take The Man Out Of The Ghetto, But You Can’t Take The Ghetto Out Of The Man.

There's reasons why other looking down on us. We need to educate our people better.

Khmer son of a farmer

Anonymous said...

All we got is a clip about Phu Quoc island plus another clips in Cambodian (that clip isn't clear anyway)and...that's it!

Nothing clear, no evidence, no source and everyone can do it.

In short it didn't prove anything
