A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Three Cambodian women rescued in China to fly home Thursday

PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) -- Three Cambodian women rescued recently in China will fly home on Thursday, according to a statement issued Wednesday by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. 

The three were cheated to get married to Chinese men in Guangzhou before they were rescued by the Cambodian embassy there in collaboration with Chinese authority. 

They were identified as Samnang Sovanlina, Ieng Sophorn and Kaen Sreylen, and were from Tbong Kmom and Kampong Cham provinces and Phnom Penh city, respectively.


Anonymous said...

Can I have one?

Anonymous said...

7:26 am

You can have all 3 of them if you can afford to take good care of them as a good husband should.

Kmenhwatt said...

Yep,Mike's mother is available and she had done her breasts implanted just for you,keep in mind that her breasts looks good but her face looks like Keo Nama in khmer's movie.

Anonymous said...

8:35am, I meant it in a very respectable way. I love my khmer women. I cant believe these foreigners wants to abuse them.

Anonymous said...

Be respectful. This is Khmer women we are talking about. Your hate makes you look ugly sometimes.

Khmer lady

Anonymous said...

Begin of Drgunzet's comment:

I feel very sad and sorry for those poor women. And I feel very frustrated for being powerless, overwhelmed with such huge problems in the world.

Where I came from, there were a lot of dark-skinned people. And these dark-skin guys would captured and pull a girl walking without escort at night, then raped her for free. Even if there was any escort, sometime the escort would got beaten up too. It's a violent world.

That's why the dark-skinned countries would be better off being ruled by the light-skinned countries if you want problems to be fixed now.

Just look at Kmenhwatt's comment. I bet you he is a dark-skinned guy. He is nasty.

I am a light-skinned guy and very sweet, gentle to women. The ladies invited me home and treated me with their cookings a lot.
