A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 13 November 2014

Cambodian workers in South Korea met Ambassador Suth Dina to discuss about Hun Sen's visit to South Korea

1 comment:

Kmenhwatt said...

Stop calling ah kwaq ah yong Yuon!? Right!,why don't ah kwaq stop being ah yong yuon himself!? Why yuon walked all over Khmers' heads and Cpp gov't didn't do any things to stop that!? For instance,Hanoi encroached khmers'land along border or islands etc; why ah kwaq didn't open his blinded eye and seeing these issues? Why didn't he sovlves these issues!? My answer is; ah yong yuon kwaq Sen didn't dares to tell his boss Hanoi to stop their activities (stealing khmer's land) ah yong yuon Sen didn't have a ball...!