A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Sok Kong's fuel tankers found to be transporting illegal rosewood [This is how Hun Sen's cronies got rich - by doing illegal things!]

Trucks belonging to Sokimex, a petrol company owned by Hun Sen's crony, Sok Kong, have been found to be hiding hundreds of cubic metres of the priced rosewood while purporting to transport petrol. The trucking were illegally transporting rosewood timber from Anlong Veng in Oddar Meanchey province heading toward Siem Reap.

Read in Khmer here.


Kmenhwatt said...

We should burn the tanker that has rosewood in it.

Anonymous said...

Yuon has been using Ah Hun Sen to suppress Khmer people and destroy Cambodia.
Why Khmer people cannot mount a fierce and consistent resistance against Ah Hun Sen?