A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 26 October 2014

Kem Sokha to look into nepotism at the National Assembly

Give our kids a better deal
PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) -- Kem Sokha, first vice president of the National Assembly and deputy president of CNRP said Saturday that he is going to look into CNRP’s representative Mr. Son Chhay’s complaint

Mr Son Chhay reprimanded two people and those who are in family favor at the national assembly. A few days ago, Mr. Son Chhay wrote a letter to general secretary of the National Assembly to explain irregularity, which has been occurring in the National Assembly. 

“I do not comment. I have to investigate and do research on it,” said Mr. Kem Sokha . 

Mr. Kem Sokha’s comments came after Mr. Son Chhay, deputy chairman of financial committee of the National Assembly submitted his letter to secretary general department of the National Assembly to investigate nepotism in the institution. 

Mr. Son Chhay accused Mit Kerein, deputy secretary general of the National Assembly via his letter of using power to appoint many of his family members to work at the national assembly which he said leads to the lost of national budget and systematic corruption in this institution.

 Most of Mr. Mit Karen’s family members are in the position of taking care of lawmakers’ salaries, general director of administrative and finance and internal audition at the National Assembly, according to Mr. Son Chhay. 

Mr. Son Chhay has said that he is going to curb corruption and nepotism in the top institutions in the mandate. According to Mr. Son Chhay, the national assembly has about 2,000 staffers, yet only 300 to 400 of whom come to work regularly. 

Regarding this issue, Leng Penglong, secretary general of the National Assembly has yet given details. Mr. Heng Samrin, president of the National Assembly has yet reacted to the issue.

- See more at: http://thecambodiaherald.com/cambodia/kem-sokha-to-look-into-nepotism-at-the-national-assembly-7546#sthash.CPdeUTUC.dpuf


Anonymous said...

Before attack we have to know the commander souls, khmerization you got a bulshit soul. How you own a blog if you can't make your own decisions? You are slaved to idiot's pressure kick the f*** king ash away and tell them I can't take crap. You allowed idiot bending your standard all the times why you are so girly weak ...if you continue to slave idiot you are an idiot too. Are you khmerization? Mike.

Anonymous said...

Khmerization imagine if you are my neighbors you house next to me and you got 14 guy in my house I got 82 guys and imagine your guy alway yield at me or tthrowing things to my house. Do you think your act is stupid or smart? . Siam attack us for centuries and you hate youn what wrong with you guy khmerization you helping our enemies the siam for so long now stay neutral let khmer enjoy peace and stable. I see you guy are playing too stupid things that why I got headache try to slow down your destructive act. If youn spend 1 billion put khmer right back to another killing field if youn want to right? . And who can stop them..svar Kem. .? .??????. Khmerization you help idiot for too long. Let khmer enjoy peace and kick thosmmonkey out. Promise me you do that . Why can't you? . Mike

Anonymous said...

Cheater always found prey to cheat and the prey allow themselves to be cheated you are not one of them aren't you. ? Khmerization you can't afford cheater anyway and the cheater neve appreciate you anyway but ripped you off. So why you don't kick them before it too later.

Anonymous said...

Dummy Mike,
We don’t hate Vietnamese we just want them to go back to Vietnam like the Thai do stay in Thailand.
Can you make them going back, dummy Mike?

Anonymous said...

youn veitcong allway attack seam ,what about veit come illegally to cambodia and rob cambodia and encroach cambodia land? thai kill khmer direct and youn killkhmer indirect .youn kill all champa and now taking laos and try to swallow cambodia .GOD bless all cambodian people'